22. GANDUSHADI VIDHI / गण्डूषादि विधि- mouth gargles and other therapies
1. gandusha - procedure of holding liquids in the mouth
गण्डूष प्रकार / kinds of gandusha
चतुष्प्रकारो गण्डूषः स्निग्धः शमनशोधनौ
रोपणश्च त्रयस्तत्र त्रिषु योज्याश्चलादिषु
अन्त्यो व्रणघ्नः
gandusha is of four kinds,
1. snigdha
· lubricating, with oils and fats
· for vata imbalance disorder
2. shamana
· palliative
· for pitta imbalance disorder
3. shodhana
· purifying
· for kapha imbalance disorder
4. ropana
· healing.
· healing of ulcers
1. स्निग्ध गण्डूष / snigdha gandusha
स्निग्धो अत्र स्वाद्वम्ल पटुसाधितैः
1. lubricating
2. by the use of oil processed with herbs of
· स्वाद् - sweet,
· अम्ल - sour and
· पटु - salt tastes.
2. शमन गण्डूष / samana gandusha
संशमनः तिक्तकषायमधुरौषधैः
1. – palliative
2. is by herbs of
· तिक्त - bitter,
· कषाय - astringent and
· मधुर - sweet tastes.
3. शोधन गण्डूष
शोधनः तिक्त कटु अमल पटूष्णैः
1. purifying
2. is with herbs of
· bitter,
· pungent,
· sour,
· salt tastes and
· possessing ushna virya
4. रोपणगण्डूष
रोपणः पुनः
कषाय तिक्तकैः
1. – healing
2. is with herbs of
· astringent and
· bitter.
गण्डूष द्रव्यं- liquids used
तत्र स्नेहः क्षीरं मधूदकम्
शुक्तं मध्यं रसो मूत्रं धान्याम्लं च यथायथम्
कल्कैर्युक्तं विपक्वं वा यथास्पर्शं प्रयोजयेत्
1. स्नेहः- fats – oil, ghee etc.,
2. क्षीरं - milk,
3. मधूदकम्- honey with water
4. शुक्तं – fermented gruel,
5. मध्यं – wine,
6. रसो / mamsarasa – juice of meat,
7. मूत्रं – urine of animals or
8.धान्याम्लं – wash of grains fermented by keeping overnight,
these liquids are commonly used in gandusha.
the liquids may be mixed
· with a kalka (herbal paste)
· may be cooked or raw
· should be comfortable to touch and to hold in the mouth.
1. तिलकल्कोदक / tilakalkodaka – sesame seed paste with water –
दन्तहर्ष दन्तचाले मुखरोगे च वातिके
सुखोष्णमथवा शीतं तिलकल्कोदकं हितम्
गण्डूष धारणे
in conditions like
1. दन्तहर्ष / dantaharsha – tingling of the teeth,
2. दन्तचाले / dantachala – shaky teeth, and
3. मुखरोगे च वातिके - disease of the mouth caused by vata,
gandusha with water mixed with sesame seed paste
· either lukewarm
· or cold,
is useful.
for daily use
नित्यं तैलं मंसरसोअथवा
for daily use,
· either sesame oil or
· meat soup
is good
Ghee - milk
ऊषादाहान्विते पाके क्षते चागन्तुसंभवे
विषे क्षाराग्निदग्धे च सर्पिर्धार्यं पयोअथवा
when there is
1. ऊषादाहान्विते पाके - local or general burning sensation (daha),
2. ulceration and
3. क्षते चागन्तुसंभवे- wounds caused by foreign bodies,
4. विषे - contact with poison
5. क्षारा -alkalies (kshara) and
6. अग्निदग्धे - burns by fire,
it is best to hold either ghee or milk
वैशद्यं जनयति आशु सन्दधाति मुखे व्रणान्
दाहतृष्णाप्रशमनं मधु गण्डूष धारणम्
Madhu / honey -
holding honey in the mouth
1. वैशद्यं जनयति आशु - removes the sliminess of the mouth,
2. सन्दधाति मुखे व्रणान् -heals the ulcers quickly,
3. दाहतृष्णाप्रशमनं - relieves burning sensation and
4. thirst.
धान्याम्लंआस्यवैरस्य मलदौर्गन्ध्यनाशनम्
holding dhanyamla –
1. आस्यवैरस्य - removes distaste,
2. मल - dirt (of teeth and tongue) and
3. दौर्गन्ध्यनाशनम् - bad smell from the mouth.
Dhanyaamla without salt
तदेवालवणं शीतं मुखशोषहरं परम्
1. शीतं - used cold,
2. मुखशोषहरं - is best to remove dryness of the mouth.
Ksharambu / water containing alkalies
आशु क्षाराम्बु गण्डूषोभिनात्ति शलेष्मणश्चयम्
1. quickly breaks up the accumulation of kapha.
sukhoshnodakam / holding comfortable
Warm water
सुखोष्णोदकगण्डूषैर्जायते वक्त्रलाघवम्
brings about
1. वक्त्रलाघवम् - lightness and cleansing of the mouth
गण्डूष विधि / procedure
निवाते सातपे स्विन्न मृदित स्कन्धकन्धरः
गण्डूषमपिबन् किञ्जित् उन्नतास्यो विधारयेत्
1. निवाते - the person should sit in a place devoid of breeze
2. सातपे - but in sunlight
3. स्विन्न मृदित स्कन्धकन्धरः - his shoulders and neck should be massaged and fomented;
4. किञ्जित् उन्नतास्यो - keeping his face slightly lifted up,
कफपूर्णास्यता यावत्स्रवत्घ्राणाक्षताअथवा
he should hold the liquid in his mouth
1. कफपूर्णास्यता - till the mouth gets filled with kapha or
2. यावत्स्रवत्घ्राणाक्षताअथवा - till the nose and eyes start secreting liquid.
Difference between kavala and gandusha
असञ्जार्यो मुखे पूर्णे गण्डूषः, कवलो अन्यथा
· filling the mouth with liquids fully not permitting any movement inside is gandusha.
· taking liquid into mouth and moving it around by gargling for specific time period is kavala.
कवल / kavala / mouth gargles
मन्याशिरः कर्णमुखाक्षिरोगाः प्रसेक कण्ठामयवक्त्रशोषाः
ह्रुल्लासतन्द्रारुचि पीनसाश्च साध्या विषेशात्कवलग्रहण
1. मन्याशिरः कर्णमुखाक्षिरोगाः - diseases of the neck, head, ears, mouth and eyes,
2. प्रसेक - praseka – excess salivation,
3. कण्ठामय - diseases of the throat,
4. वक्त्रशोषाः - dryness of the mouth,
5. ह्रुल्लास - nausea,
6. तन्द्रा /tandra – stupor,
7. अरुचि / aruchi – anorexia and
8.पीनसाश्च / peenasa – rhinitis
· are curable by kavala
Pratisarana – coating the mouth with drugs
प्रतिसारण / pratisarana
– applying herbs to the interior of the mouth with the finger
कल्को रसक्रिया चूर्णः त्रिविधं प्रतिसारणम्
युञ्ज्यात् तत् कफरोगेषु गण्डूष विहितौषधैः
– is of three kinds, viz.
1. कल्को / kalka – in the form of paste
2. रसक्रिया / rasakriya – solidified decoction and
3. चूर्णः / curna – powder
it should be
· done in diseases of kapha origin
· with the same herbs as suggested for gandusha.
मुखलेप/ mukhalepa – application of paste of herbs over the face
मुखलेपः त्रिधा दोषविषहा वर्णकृच्च सः
mukhalepa is of three types –
1. दोषहा - doshaha – removing the doshas,
2. विषहा - vishaha – removing poison and
3. वर्णकृच्च - varnakara – improving complexion
Temperature of mukhalapa drug according to dosha
उष्णा वातकफे शस्तः, शेषेषु अत्यर्थशीतलः
it should be applied
· warm - for vata and kapha
· cold - for pitta imbalance, .
Thickness of mukhalapa drug
त्रिप्रमाणः चतुर्भाग त्रिभागार्द्धाङ्गुलोन्नातिः
Its three measurements / thickness -
When to remove mukha lepa
अशुष्कस्य स्थितिस्तस्य, शुष्को दूष्यतिच्छविम्
तं आर्द्रयित्वा अपनयेत् तदन्ते अभ्यङ्ग आचरेत्
it should be allowed to remain till it becomes dry;
what happens if mukhalepana becomes dry?
when dry,
· it vitiates the skin colour,
· hence it should be removed soon after it becomes dry.
· while removing, it should be moistened for easy removal.
after removal,
an अभ्यङ्ग / gentle oil massage should be given.
Things not to do
विवर्जयेत्दिवास्वप्नाभाष्याग्न्यातप शुक् क्रुधः
the person should avoid
1. दिवास्वप्न - day sleep,
2. भाष्या - speaking for long hours,
3 अग्न्यातप. - exposure to fire and sunlight,
4 शुक्. - sorrow and
5. क्रुधः - anger
during the procedure.
मुखलेप अनर्ह/ persons not fit for mukhalepa
न योज्यः पीनसे अजीर्णेदत्तनस्ये हनुग्रहे
अरोचके जागरिते
it should not be administered to persons suffering from
1. पीनसे / pinasa – rhinitis,
2. अजीर्णे / ajirna – indigestion,
3. दत्तनस्ये / nasya – who have received nasya therapy
4. हनुग्रहे / hanugraha – locked jaw,
5.अरोचके / aruchi – anorexia
6.जागरिते – loss of sleep.
मुख लेप लाभ / mukhalepa benefits
स तु हन्ति सुयोजितः
अकालपलित वयङ्ग वलीतिमिर नीलिकाः
if properly done,
· it cures
1. अकालपलित – premature graying of hair,
2. वयङ्ग / vyanga – discolored patch on face
3. वली – wrinkles,
4. तिमिर / timira – blindness and
5. नीलिकाः / neelika – bluish vision (a type of blindness) .
Mukhalepa in relation to season
the following six recipes are ideal for the six seasons commencing with hemanta –(early winger) respectively.
1. hemanta rtu
कोलमज्जा वृषान्मूलं शाबरं गौरसर्षपाः
for hemanta (early winter/ dewy season)
· कोलमज्जा - marrow of kola,
· वृषान्मूलं - root of vrisha (vasa – adhatoda vasica) ,
· शाबरं - sabara and
· गौरसर्षपाः - gaurasarsapa (white mustard).
2. for shishira (winter)
सिंहीमूलं तिलाः कृष्णा दार्वीत्वङ् निस्तुषा यवाः
· सिंहीमूलं - root of simhi,
· तिलाः कृष्णा - krisna tila (black sesame),
· दार्वीत्वङ् - bark of darvi and
· निस्तुषा यवाः - dehusked yava (barley).
3. for vasantha (spring)
– root of
· दर्भमूल - darbha,
· हिमो - hima;
· उशीर - usheera,
· शिरीष - shirisha,
· मिशि - mishi and
· तण्डुलाः - tandula (rice grains)
4. for greeshma (summer)
· कुमुद - kumuda,
· उत्पल - utpala
· , कल्हार - kalhara,
· दुर्वा - durva,
· मधुक - madhuka and
· चन्दनम् - chandana (sandalwood).
5. varsha (rainy season)
· कालीयक - kaliyaka,
· तिलो - tila,
· उशीर - usira,
· मांसी - mamsi,
· तगर - tagara and
· पद्मकम् - padmaka.
6. sharath (autumn)
· तालीस - talisa,
· गुन्द्रा - gundra,
· पुण्ड्राह्व - pundrahva,
· यष्टी - yasti,
· काशा - kasa,
· नता - nata and
· अगुरु - aguru
इत्यर्द्धार्द्धोदिता लेपा हेमन्तादिषु षट् स्मृताः
Gunas of मुख लेप
मुखालेपनशीलानां दृढम् भवति दर्शनम्
वदनं चापरिम्लानं श्लक्षणं तामरसोपमम्
for those who are habituated to application of
paste of herbs on the face,
1. दृढम् भवति दर्शनम् - the vision becomes keen,
2. वदनं चापरिम्लानं - the face never dull,
· श्लक्षणं - but smooth and
· तामरसोपमम् - brilliant resembling a lotus flower.
मूर्धतैलं / murdha taila – application of oil to the head
अभ्यङ्ग सेक पिचवो बस्तिश्चेति चतुर्विधम्
मूर्धतैलम् बहुगुणं तद्विद्यात् उत्तरोत्तरम्
is of 4 types.
1. shiro abhyanga / अभ्यङ्ग
· smearing oil and mild massage,
2. shiro pariseka / सेक
· pouring oil in continuous stream,
3. shiro pichu / पिचवो
· keeping cloth soaked in oil over the entire area of scalp
4. shiro basti / बस्ति
· making the oil stand on the head
each successive one being more effective. means, shirobasti is the most effective among the four.
1. shiro abhyanga/ शिरो अभ्यङ्ग
तत्राभ्यङ्गः प्रयोक्तव्यो रौक्ष्य कण्डू मलादिषु
· applying oil and
· doing mild massage
should be used in cases of
1 रौक्ष्य - .dryness,
2. कण्डू - itching and
3 मलादिषु .- dirtyness
pariseka – pouring oil in a thin stream
it is also known as shirodhara.
अरूंषिका शिरस्तोद दाहपाकव्रणेषु तु
is useful in
1. अरूंषिका - ulcerations of the scalp,
2. शिरस्तोद - headache,
3. दाह - burning sensation,
4. पाक - wounds, and
5 व्रणेषु. - suppurations in the scalp.
shiro pichu – oil soaked cloth / cotton swabs
पिचुः केशशात स्फुटन धूपने
,useful in case of
1. केशशात - falling of hairs,
2. स्फुटन - cracking of the skin and
3. धूपने- feeling of burning sensation.
शिरो बस्ति / shirobasti – making the oil to stand on the head
नेत्रस्तम्भे च बस्तिस्तु प्रसुप्ति अर्दितजागरे
नासास्यशोषे तिमिरे शिरोरोगे च दारुणे
in cases of
1. नेत्रस्तम्भे / netrasthamba – lack of movement of eyeball
2. प्रसुप्ति / prasupti – loss of sensation of the scalp,
3. अर्दित. / ardita – facial palsy,
4. जागरे /jagara – loss of sleep,
5.नासास्यशोषे / nasya shosha – dryness of the nose and mouth,
6.तिमिरे / timira – blindness and
7. शिरोरोगे च दारुणे / daruna shiroroga – dreadful diseases of the head
sirobasthi vidhi / procedure
विधिस्तस्य निषण्णस्यपीठे जानुसमे मृदौ
शुद्धाक्तस्विन्नदेहस्य दिनान्ते गव्यमाहिषम्
द्वादशाङ्गुलविस्तीर्णं चर्मपट्टं शिरः
आकर्णबन्धनस्थानं ललाटे वस्त्रवेष्टिते
चैलवेणिकया बद्धा माषकल्केन लेपयेत्
ततो यथाव्याधि श्रुतं स्नेहं कोष्णं निषेचयेत्
ऊर्ध्वं केशभुवो यावदङ्गुलं धारयेचच तम्
आवक्त्रनासिको क्लेदाद्दशाष्टौ षट् चलादिषु
मात्रासहस्राण्यरुजे त्वेकं स्कन्धादि मर्दयेत्
मुक्तस्नेहस्य परमं सप्ताहं तस्य सेवनम्
1. the person who has been purified – with vamana, virechana etc., should be gently massaged with oil
· and given mild fomentation.
2. then at the closing of the day (evening)
· he should be made to sit on a stool of the height of the knee,
· a strap of leather made from the leather of either cow or buffalo,
· twelve angula in width ( 8 – 9 inches) and
· equal to that of the head in circumference should be wrapped around the head,
· just above the ears,
· covered by a piece of cloth over the forehead,
· and fastened tight with a thread.
· the joints and intervening spaces should be packed with paste of black gram flour in order to prevent leakage of oil.
· then, medicated oil prescribed for the disease, should be poured over the head, in luke warm condition,
· to a height of one angula over the skin of the scalp.
Maatrakala/ time for holding the medicine
आवक्त्रनासिको क्लेदाद्दशाष्टौ षट् चलादिषु
मात्रासहस्राण्यरुजे त्वेकं
1.आवक्त्रनासिको क्लेदाद् - it should be held till secretion of fluid appears in the mouth and nose,
2. or for a period of
· 10,000 matra kala for vata
· 8,000 matra kala for pitta
· 6,000 matra kala for kapha
· 1000 matra kala for svastha / healthy person
1 matra kala = time required to blink the eye once.
Anantara kriya
स्कन्धादि मर्दयेत्
मुक्तस्नेहस्य परमं सप्ताहं तस्य सेवनम्
after this period,
· the shoulders etc. should be massaged, after removing the oil over the head.
· seven days shall be the maximum period for this therapy.
कर्ण पूरणं / filling the ears with the oil
धारयेत्पूर्णं कर्णे कर्णमूलं विमर्दयन्
रुजः स्यान्मार्दवं यावत्मात्राशतमवेदने
· the ears should be filled with medicated fat/oil
· root of the ears massaged, till the pain or the disease subsides
· and for a period of one thousand matra kala in case of healthy persons.
यावत्पर्येति हस्ताग्रं दक्षिणं जानुमण्डलम्
निमेषोन्मेषकालेन समं मात्रा तु सा स्मृता
· the time required for the finger of the right hand to move around the right knee once
· or the time required for closing and opening of the eyelids once
is defined as a matrakala
मूर्धतैल फल / murdhataila phala – benefits of oiling of the head
कचसदनासिततवपिञ्जिरत्वं परिफुट शिरसः समीररोगान्
जयति जनयति इन्द्रियप्रसादं स्वरहनुमूर्द्धबलं च मूर्द्धतैलम्
oiling of the head
1. falling,
2. graying and
3. matting of the hair,
4 . परिफुटम्. - cracking of skin of the scalp,
5 . शिरसः समीररोगान् जयति - diseases of the head of vata imbalance,
6 जनयतिइन्द्रियप्रसादं . produces clarity of sense organs,
7.स्वरहनुमूर्द्धबलं imparts strength to the voice, jaw and head.
1. gandusha - procedure of holding liquids in the mouth
गण्डूष प्रकार / kinds of gandusha
चतुष्प्रकारो गण्डूषः स्निग्धः शमनशोधनौ
रोपणश्च त्रयस्तत्र त्रिषु योज्याश्चलादिषु
अन्त्यो व्रणघ्नः
gandusha is of four kinds,
1. snigdha
· lubricating, with oils and fats
· for vata imbalance disorder
2. shamana
· palliative
· for pitta imbalance disorder
3. shodhana
· purifying
· for kapha imbalance disorder
4. ropana
· healing.
· healing of ulcers
1. स्निग्ध गण्डूष / snigdha gandusha
स्निग्धो अत्र स्वाद्वम्ल पटुसाधितैः
1. lubricating
2. by the use of oil processed with herbs of
· स्वाद् - sweet,
· अम्ल - sour and
· पटु - salt tastes.
2. शमन गण्डूष / samana gandusha
संशमनः तिक्तकषायमधुरौषधैः
1. – palliative
2. is by herbs of
· तिक्त - bitter,
· कषाय - astringent and
· मधुर - sweet tastes.
3. शोधन गण्डूष
शोधनः तिक्त कटु अमल पटूष्णैः
1. purifying
2. is with herbs of
· bitter,
· pungent,
· sour,
· salt tastes and
· possessing ushna virya
4. रोपणगण्डूष
रोपणः पुनः
कषाय तिक्तकैः
1. – healing
2. is with herbs of
· astringent and
· bitter.
गण्डूष द्रव्यं- liquids used
तत्र स्नेहः क्षीरं मधूदकम्
शुक्तं मध्यं रसो मूत्रं धान्याम्लं च यथायथम्
कल्कैर्युक्तं विपक्वं वा यथास्पर्शं प्रयोजयेत्
1. स्नेहः- fats – oil, ghee etc.,
2. क्षीरं - milk,
3. मधूदकम्- honey with water
4. शुक्तं – fermented gruel,
5. मध्यं – wine,
6. रसो / mamsarasa – juice of meat,
7. मूत्रं – urine of animals or
8.धान्याम्लं – wash of grains fermented by keeping overnight,
these liquids are commonly used in gandusha.
the liquids may be mixed
· with a kalka (herbal paste)
· may be cooked or raw
· should be comfortable to touch and to hold in the mouth.
1. तिलकल्कोदक / tilakalkodaka – sesame seed paste with water –
दन्तहर्ष दन्तचाले मुखरोगे च वातिके
सुखोष्णमथवा शीतं तिलकल्कोदकं हितम्
गण्डूष धारणे
in conditions like
1. दन्तहर्ष / dantaharsha – tingling of the teeth,
2. दन्तचाले / dantachala – shaky teeth, and
3. मुखरोगे च वातिके - disease of the mouth caused by vata,
gandusha with water mixed with sesame seed paste
· either lukewarm
· or cold,
is useful.
for daily use
नित्यं तैलं मंसरसोअथवा
for daily use,
· either sesame oil or
· meat soup
is good
Ghee - milk
ऊषादाहान्विते पाके क्षते चागन्तुसंभवे
विषे क्षाराग्निदग्धे च सर्पिर्धार्यं पयोअथवा
when there is
1. ऊषादाहान्विते पाके - local or general burning sensation (daha),
2. ulceration and
3. क्षते चागन्तुसंभवे- wounds caused by foreign bodies,
4. विषे - contact with poison
5. क्षारा -alkalies (kshara) and
6. अग्निदग्धे - burns by fire,
it is best to hold either ghee or milk
वैशद्यं जनयति आशु सन्दधाति मुखे व्रणान्
दाहतृष्णाप्रशमनं मधु गण्डूष धारणम्
Madhu / honey -
holding honey in the mouth
1. वैशद्यं जनयति आशु - removes the sliminess of the mouth,
2. सन्दधाति मुखे व्रणान् -heals the ulcers quickly,
3. दाहतृष्णाप्रशमनं - relieves burning sensation and
4. thirst.
धान्याम्लंआस्यवैरस्य मलदौर्गन्ध्यनाशनम्
holding dhanyamla –
1. आस्यवैरस्य - removes distaste,
2. मल - dirt (of teeth and tongue) and
3. दौर्गन्ध्यनाशनम् - bad smell from the mouth.
Dhanyaamla without salt
तदेवालवणं शीतं मुखशोषहरं परम्
1. शीतं - used cold,
2. मुखशोषहरं - is best to remove dryness of the mouth.
Ksharambu / water containing alkalies
आशु क्षाराम्बु गण्डूषोभिनात्ति शलेष्मणश्चयम्
1. quickly breaks up the accumulation of kapha.
sukhoshnodakam / holding comfortable
Warm water
सुखोष्णोदकगण्डूषैर्जायते वक्त्रलाघवम्
brings about
1. वक्त्रलाघवम् - lightness and cleansing of the mouth
गण्डूष विधि / procedure
निवाते सातपे स्विन्न मृदित स्कन्धकन्धरः
गण्डूषमपिबन् किञ्जित् उन्नतास्यो विधारयेत्
1. निवाते - the person should sit in a place devoid of breeze
2. सातपे - but in sunlight
3. स्विन्न मृदित स्कन्धकन्धरः - his shoulders and neck should be massaged and fomented;
4. किञ्जित् उन्नतास्यो - keeping his face slightly lifted up,
कफपूर्णास्यता यावत्स्रवत्घ्राणाक्षताअथवा
he should hold the liquid in his mouth
1. कफपूर्णास्यता - till the mouth gets filled with kapha or
2. यावत्स्रवत्घ्राणाक्षताअथवा - till the nose and eyes start secreting liquid.
Difference between kavala and gandusha
असञ्जार्यो मुखे पूर्णे गण्डूषः, कवलो अन्यथा
· filling the mouth with liquids fully not permitting any movement inside is gandusha.
· taking liquid into mouth and moving it around by gargling for specific time period is kavala.
कवल / kavala / mouth gargles
मन्याशिरः कर्णमुखाक्षिरोगाः प्रसेक कण्ठामयवक्त्रशोषाः
ह्रुल्लासतन्द्रारुचि पीनसाश्च साध्या विषेशात्कवलग्रहण
1. मन्याशिरः कर्णमुखाक्षिरोगाः - diseases of the neck, head, ears, mouth and eyes,
2. प्रसेक - praseka – excess salivation,
3. कण्ठामय - diseases of the throat,
4. वक्त्रशोषाः - dryness of the mouth,
5. ह्रुल्लास - nausea,
6. तन्द्रा /tandra – stupor,
7. अरुचि / aruchi – anorexia and
8.पीनसाश्च / peenasa – rhinitis
· are curable by kavala
Pratisarana – coating the mouth with drugs
प्रतिसारण / pratisarana
– applying herbs to the interior of the mouth with the finger
कल्को रसक्रिया चूर्णः त्रिविधं प्रतिसारणम्
युञ्ज्यात् तत् कफरोगेषु गण्डूष विहितौषधैः
– is of three kinds, viz.
1. कल्को / kalka – in the form of paste
2. रसक्रिया / rasakriya – solidified decoction and
3. चूर्णः / curna – powder
it should be
· done in diseases of kapha origin
· with the same herbs as suggested for gandusha.
मुखलेप/ mukhalepa – application of paste of herbs over the face
मुखलेपः त्रिधा दोषविषहा वर्णकृच्च सः
mukhalepa is of three types –
1. दोषहा - doshaha – removing the doshas,
2. विषहा - vishaha – removing poison and
3. वर्णकृच्च - varnakara – improving complexion
Temperature of mukhalapa drug according to dosha
उष्णा वातकफे शस्तः, शेषेषु अत्यर्थशीतलः
it should be applied
· warm - for vata and kapha
· cold - for pitta imbalance, .
Thickness of mukhalapa drug
त्रिप्रमाणः चतुर्भाग त्रिभागार्द्धाङ्गुलोन्नातिः
Its three measurements / thickness -
- minimum – 1/4th angula
- medium – 1/3 angula
- maximum – ½ angula
When to remove mukha lepa
अशुष्कस्य स्थितिस्तस्य, शुष्को दूष्यतिच्छविम्
तं आर्द्रयित्वा अपनयेत् तदन्ते अभ्यङ्ग आचरेत्
it should be allowed to remain till it becomes dry;
what happens if mukhalepana becomes dry?
when dry,
· it vitiates the skin colour,
· hence it should be removed soon after it becomes dry.
· while removing, it should be moistened for easy removal.
after removal,
an अभ्यङ्ग / gentle oil massage should be given.
Things not to do
विवर्जयेत्दिवास्वप्नाभाष्याग्न्यातप शुक् क्रुधः
the person should avoid
1. दिवास्वप्न - day sleep,
2. भाष्या - speaking for long hours,
3 अग्न्यातप. - exposure to fire and sunlight,
4 शुक्. - sorrow and
5. क्रुधः - anger
during the procedure.
मुखलेप अनर्ह/ persons not fit for mukhalepa
न योज्यः पीनसे अजीर्णेदत्तनस्ये हनुग्रहे
अरोचके जागरिते
it should not be administered to persons suffering from
1. पीनसे / pinasa – rhinitis,
2. अजीर्णे / ajirna – indigestion,
3. दत्तनस्ये / nasya – who have received nasya therapy
4. हनुग्रहे / hanugraha – locked jaw,
5.अरोचके / aruchi – anorexia
6.जागरिते – loss of sleep.
मुख लेप लाभ / mukhalepa benefits
स तु हन्ति सुयोजितः
अकालपलित वयङ्ग वलीतिमिर नीलिकाः
if properly done,
· it cures
1. अकालपलित – premature graying of hair,
2. वयङ्ग / vyanga – discolored patch on face
3. वली – wrinkles,
4. तिमिर / timira – blindness and
5. नीलिकाः / neelika – bluish vision (a type of blindness) .
Mukhalepa in relation to season
the following six recipes are ideal for the six seasons commencing with hemanta –(early winger) respectively.
1. hemanta rtu
कोलमज्जा वृषान्मूलं शाबरं गौरसर्षपाः
for hemanta (early winter/ dewy season)
· कोलमज्जा - marrow of kola,
· वृषान्मूलं - root of vrisha (vasa – adhatoda vasica) ,
· शाबरं - sabara and
· गौरसर्षपाः - gaurasarsapa (white mustard).
2. for shishira (winter)
सिंहीमूलं तिलाः कृष्णा दार्वीत्वङ् निस्तुषा यवाः
· सिंहीमूलं - root of simhi,
· तिलाः कृष्णा - krisna tila (black sesame),
· दार्वीत्वङ् - bark of darvi and
· निस्तुषा यवाः - dehusked yava (barley).
3. for vasantha (spring)
– root of
· दर्भमूल - darbha,
· हिमो - hima;
· उशीर - usheera,
· शिरीष - shirisha,
· मिशि - mishi and
· तण्डुलाः - tandula (rice grains)
4. for greeshma (summer)
· कुमुद - kumuda,
· उत्पल - utpala
· , कल्हार - kalhara,
· दुर्वा - durva,
· मधुक - madhuka and
· चन्दनम् - chandana (sandalwood).
5. varsha (rainy season)
· कालीयक - kaliyaka,
· तिलो - tila,
· उशीर - usira,
· मांसी - mamsi,
· तगर - tagara and
· पद्मकम् - padmaka.
6. sharath (autumn)
· तालीस - talisa,
· गुन्द्रा - gundra,
· पुण्ड्राह्व - pundrahva,
· यष्टी - yasti,
· काशा - kasa,
· नता - nata and
· अगुरु - aguru
इत्यर्द्धार्द्धोदिता लेपा हेमन्तादिषु षट् स्मृताः
Gunas of मुख लेप
मुखालेपनशीलानां दृढम् भवति दर्शनम्
वदनं चापरिम्लानं श्लक्षणं तामरसोपमम्
for those who are habituated to application of
paste of herbs on the face,
1. दृढम् भवति दर्शनम् - the vision becomes keen,
2. वदनं चापरिम्लानं - the face never dull,
· श्लक्षणं - but smooth and
· तामरसोपमम् - brilliant resembling a lotus flower.
मूर्धतैलं / murdha taila – application of oil to the head
अभ्यङ्ग सेक पिचवो बस्तिश्चेति चतुर्विधम्
मूर्धतैलम् बहुगुणं तद्विद्यात् उत्तरोत्तरम्
is of 4 types.
1. shiro abhyanga / अभ्यङ्ग
· smearing oil and mild massage,
2. shiro pariseka / सेक
· pouring oil in continuous stream,
3. shiro pichu / पिचवो
· keeping cloth soaked in oil over the entire area of scalp
4. shiro basti / बस्ति
· making the oil stand on the head
each successive one being more effective. means, shirobasti is the most effective among the four.
1. shiro abhyanga/ शिरो अभ्यङ्ग
तत्राभ्यङ्गः प्रयोक्तव्यो रौक्ष्य कण्डू मलादिषु
· applying oil and
· doing mild massage
should be used in cases of
1 रौक्ष्य - .dryness,
2. कण्डू - itching and
3 मलादिषु .- dirtyness
pariseka – pouring oil in a thin stream
it is also known as shirodhara.
अरूंषिका शिरस्तोद दाहपाकव्रणेषु तु
is useful in
1. अरूंषिका - ulcerations of the scalp,
2. शिरस्तोद - headache,
3. दाह - burning sensation,
4. पाक - wounds, and
5 व्रणेषु. - suppurations in the scalp.
shiro pichu – oil soaked cloth / cotton swabs
पिचुः केशशात स्फुटन धूपने
,useful in case of
1. केशशात - falling of hairs,
2. स्फुटन - cracking of the skin and
3. धूपने- feeling of burning sensation.
शिरो बस्ति / shirobasti – making the oil to stand on the head
नेत्रस्तम्भे च बस्तिस्तु प्रसुप्ति अर्दितजागरे
नासास्यशोषे तिमिरे शिरोरोगे च दारुणे
in cases of
1. नेत्रस्तम्भे / netrasthamba – lack of movement of eyeball
2. प्रसुप्ति / prasupti – loss of sensation of the scalp,
3. अर्दित. / ardita – facial palsy,
4. जागरे /jagara – loss of sleep,
5.नासास्यशोषे / nasya shosha – dryness of the nose and mouth,
6.तिमिरे / timira – blindness and
7. शिरोरोगे च दारुणे / daruna shiroroga – dreadful diseases of the head
sirobasthi vidhi / procedure
विधिस्तस्य निषण्णस्यपीठे जानुसमे मृदौ
शुद्धाक्तस्विन्नदेहस्य दिनान्ते गव्यमाहिषम्
द्वादशाङ्गुलविस्तीर्णं चर्मपट्टं शिरः
आकर्णबन्धनस्थानं ललाटे वस्त्रवेष्टिते
चैलवेणिकया बद्धा माषकल्केन लेपयेत्
ततो यथाव्याधि श्रुतं स्नेहं कोष्णं निषेचयेत्
ऊर्ध्वं केशभुवो यावदङ्गुलं धारयेचच तम्
आवक्त्रनासिको क्लेदाद्दशाष्टौ षट् चलादिषु
मात्रासहस्राण्यरुजे त्वेकं स्कन्धादि मर्दयेत्
मुक्तस्नेहस्य परमं सप्ताहं तस्य सेवनम्
1. the person who has been purified – with vamana, virechana etc., should be gently massaged with oil
· and given mild fomentation.
2. then at the closing of the day (evening)
· he should be made to sit on a stool of the height of the knee,
· a strap of leather made from the leather of either cow or buffalo,
· twelve angula in width ( 8 – 9 inches) and
· equal to that of the head in circumference should be wrapped around the head,
· just above the ears,
· covered by a piece of cloth over the forehead,
· and fastened tight with a thread.
· the joints and intervening spaces should be packed with paste of black gram flour in order to prevent leakage of oil.
· then, medicated oil prescribed for the disease, should be poured over the head, in luke warm condition,
· to a height of one angula over the skin of the scalp.
Maatrakala/ time for holding the medicine
आवक्त्रनासिको क्लेदाद्दशाष्टौ षट् चलादिषु
मात्रासहस्राण्यरुजे त्वेकं
1.आवक्त्रनासिको क्लेदाद् - it should be held till secretion of fluid appears in the mouth and nose,
2. or for a period of
· 10,000 matra kala for vata
· 8,000 matra kala for pitta
· 6,000 matra kala for kapha
· 1000 matra kala for svastha / healthy person
1 matra kala = time required to blink the eye once.
Anantara kriya
स्कन्धादि मर्दयेत्
मुक्तस्नेहस्य परमं सप्ताहं तस्य सेवनम्
after this period,
· the shoulders etc. should be massaged, after removing the oil over the head.
· seven days shall be the maximum period for this therapy.
कर्ण पूरणं / filling the ears with the oil
धारयेत्पूर्णं कर्णे कर्णमूलं विमर्दयन्
रुजः स्यान्मार्दवं यावत्मात्राशतमवेदने
· the ears should be filled with medicated fat/oil
· root of the ears massaged, till the pain or the disease subsides
· and for a period of one thousand matra kala in case of healthy persons.
यावत्पर्येति हस्ताग्रं दक्षिणं जानुमण्डलम्
निमेषोन्मेषकालेन समं मात्रा तु सा स्मृता
· the time required for the finger of the right hand to move around the right knee once
· or the time required for closing and opening of the eyelids once
is defined as a matrakala
मूर्धतैल फल / murdhataila phala – benefits of oiling of the head
कचसदनासिततवपिञ्जिरत्वं परिफुट शिरसः समीररोगान्
जयति जनयति इन्द्रियप्रसादं स्वरहनुमूर्द्धबलं च मूर्द्धतैलम्
oiling of the head
1. falling,
2. graying and
3. matting of the hair,
4 . परिफुटम्. - cracking of skin of the scalp,
5 . शिरसः समीररोगान् जयति - diseases of the head of vata imbalance,
6 जनयतिइन्द्रियप्रसादं . produces clarity of sense organs,
7.स्वरहनुमूर्द्धबलं imparts strength to the voice, jaw and head.
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