ब्राह्मे मुहूर्त उत्तिष्ठेत्स्वस्थो रक्षार्थमायुषः
Healthy person should get up from bed at brahmi muhurtha,
· to protect his life.
that is, before dawn, or around 45 minutes before sun rise, around 5 – 6 am
last three hours of the night – from 3 am to 6 am – is known as brahma muhurta.
शरीरचिन्तां निर्वर्त्य कृतशौचविधिस्ततः
प्रातर्भुक्त्वा च मृद्वग्रं कषायकटुतिक्तकम्
कनीन्यग्रसमस्थौल्यं प्रगुणं द्वादशाङ्गुलम्
भक्षयेद्दन्तपवनं दन्तमांसान्यबाधयन्
· Keeping in view, the condition of his body, the individual should attend to ablutions- after eliminating urine and faeces,
· Then clean teeth with the twigs of following herbs -
a. arka (calotropis procera),
b. nyagrodha / vata (ficus benghalensis),
c. khadira (acacia catechu),
d. karanja (pongamia pinnata),
e. kakubha (terminalia arjuna).
· which are
i. कषाय / asringent
ii. कटु / pungent
iii. तिक्त / bitter in taste
· the thickness of the twig should be approximately equal to the tip of one’s little finger.
· it should be 12 angula length.
· straight
· the tip of the twig should be chewed a little to make it as brush.
· the teeth should be cleaned without hurting the gums
तृष्णास्यपाकहृन्नेत्रशिरः कर्णमयी च तत्
People suffering from
· अजीर्ण / indigestion,
· वमथु / vomiting,
· श्वास / dyspnoea,
· कास / cough,
· ज्वर / fever,
· अर्दित / facial paralysis,
· तृष्णा / excessive thirst
· आस्यपाक / ulceration of mouth,
· हृ / heart disease,
· नेत्रशिरः कर्णमयी / diseases of eyes, head and ears.
सौवीरमञ्जनं नित्यं हितमक्ष्णोस्ततो भजेत्
1. It is good to apply a special type of collyrium called sauveera anjana to the eyes. it should be applied daily.
चक्षुस्तेजोमयं तस्य विशेषात् श्लेष्मतो भयम् ॥
योजयेत्सप्तरात्रे अस्मात्स्रावणार्थं रसाञ्जनम् ।
· Eye is full of tejas / light and has risk of troubles especially from sleshma / kapha.
· rasanjana (aqueous extract of दारु हरिद्र / berberis aristata),
a. should be applied once in a week,
b. to drain out kapha (secretions) from the eyes.
ततो नावनगण्डूषधूमताम्बूलभाग्भवेत्
After collyrium application, healthy person should do
· नावन / navana (nasya – nasal drops),
· गण्डूष / gandusha – mouth gargles,
· धूम / dhuma – inhalation of smoke, and
· ताम्बूल / tambula – chewing betel leaves.
ताम्बूलं क्षतपितास्ररूक्षोत्कुपितचक्षुषाम्
विषमूर्च्छामदार्तानामपथ्यं शोषिणामपि
- Those suffering from
· क्षत - wounds,
· पितास्र - bleeding diseases,
· रूक्ष - dryness,
· कुपितचक्षुषाम् - redness of eye,
· विष - poisoning,
· मूर्च्छा - unconsciousness,
· मदार्तानाम् - intoxication and
· शोषिणाम् - from tuberculosis
should avoid betel leaf chewing.
अभ्यङ्गं आचरेत् नित्यं, स जरा श्रमवातहा ।
दृष्टिप्रसाद पुष्टि आयु:स्वप्नसुत्वक्त्वदार्ढ्यकृत् ॥
शिर: श्रवणपादेषु तं विशेषेण शीलयेत् ।
वर्ज्योऽभ्यङ्ग: कफग्रस्तकृतसंशुद्धि अजीर्णिभि: ॥
Abhyanga / OIL massage should be done daily,
· it delays ageing,
· relieves exertion and excess of vata (aches and pains).
· it improves vision,
· nourishes body tissues,
· prolongs age,
· induces good sleep and
· improves skin tone and complexion.
Massage should be specially done on
· ears,
· head and
· feet.
Massage should be avoided
· when there is increase of kapha in the body,
· who have undergone shodhana (purificatory therapies) and
· who are suffering from indigestion.
लाघवं कर्मसामर्थ्यं दीप्तोऽग्नि: मेदस: क्षय: विभक्तघनगात्रत्वं व्यायामात् उपजायते
Exercise brings about
1. lightness of the body
2. it improves ability to do work,
3. increases digestion power,
4. burns excess fat.
5. it brings body into good shape.
वातपित्तामयो बालो वृद्धोऽजीर्णी च तं त्यजेत्
People with
1.diseases of vata and pitta,
3.the aged,
4.people with indigestion problem
अर्धशक्त्या निषेव्यस्तु बलिभि: स्निग्धभोजिभि:
शीतकाले वसन्ते च, मन्दमेव ततो अन्यदा
1.exercise should be done by
2.those having full strength and
3.who take fatty food daily,
4.in cold seasons
a. till one’s half strength.
· while others and in other seasons, exercise should be done mildly
तं कृत्वाऽनुसुखं देहं मर्दयेत् च समन्तत:
1. at the end of the exercise,
2. all parts of the body should be massaged comfortably
तृष्णा क्षयः प्रतमको रक्तपित्तं श्रमः क्लमः
अतिव्यवायामतः कासो ज्वरश्छर्दिश्च जायते
1. excessive thirst,
2. emaciation,
3. severe dyspnoea (difficulty in breathing),
4. bleeding disorders,
5. exhaustion,
6. feeling of debility (even without any work),
7. cough,
8. fever and
9. vomiting.
व्यायामजागराध्वस्त्रीहास्यभाष्यादि साहसम्
गजं सिंहं इवाकर्षन् भजन्नातिविनश्यति
· those who indulge in too much of exercise daily,
· who keep themselves awake till late nights, regularly,
· who walk long distances regularly,
· who indulge in excessive sexual activities,
· too much of laughing,
· speaking,
· and such other strenuous activities,
· will perish, just as a lion perishes after vanquishing an elephant.
उद्वर्तनं कफहरं मेदस: प्रविलायनम् । स्थिरीकरणं अङ्गानां त्वक्प्रसादकरं परम् ॥
· mitigates kapha,
· helps to burn fat
· brings stability of the body parts,
· improves strength and skin complexion.
दीपनं वृष्यमायुष्यं स्नानं ऊर्जाबलप्रदम्
· improves digestion,
· acts as aphrodisiac,
· prolongs life,
· increases enthusiasm and strength.
· removes itching
· helps to get rid of dirt,
· exhauston
· sweat,
· stupor / tiredness,
· excessive thirst,
· burning sensation
· and sins.
उष्णाम्बुना अधकायस्य परिषेको बलावहः
तेनैव तूत्तमाङ्गस्य बलहृत्केशचक्षुषाम्
pouring warm water over the body
· bestows strength,
but the same over the head,
· makes for loss of strength of the hair and eyes.
स्नानमर्दितनेत्रास्य कर्णरोगातिसारिषु
आध्मानपीनसाजीर्णभुक्तवत्सु च गार्हितम्
bath is contra- indicated for those suffering from
· facial paralysis,
· diseases of the eyes, mouth and ears,
· diarrhoea,
· flatulence,
· rhinitis,
· indigestion and
· who have just taken food.
जीर्णे हितं मितं चाद्यात् न वेगानीरयेत् बलात् न वेगितो अन्यकार्य: स्यात् न अजित्वा साध्यं आमयम्
1. one should always eat,
· only after digestion of previous food,
· in limited quantity.
2. na vegan neerayet – one should not induce natural urges forcefully.
3. na vegito anya kaaryaha – one should immediately attend to natural urges, whenever they come, without being busy in other activities.
सुखार्था: सर्वभूतानां मता: सर्वा: प्रवृत्तय:
सुखं च न विना धर्मात् तस्मात् धर्मपरो भवेत्
all the creatures are behind happiness.
· There is no happiness, without righteousness.
· Hence all should follow the path of righteousness.
भक्त्या कल्याणमित्राणि सेवेत्तेतरदूरगः
· Friends should be served with affection and good deeds,
· Whereas the others (wicked) should be kept at a distance.
हिंसास्तेय अन्यथाकामं पैशुन्यं परुष अनृते
सम्भिन्न आलापं व्यापाद अभिध्यां दृग्विपर्ययम्
पापं कर्मेति दशधा काया वाङ् मनसै: त्यजेत्
1. himsa (causing injury, torture etc.)
2. steya ( stealing , robbing),
3. anyathakama (unlawful sexual activity, desiring for others),
4. paisunya (abusive or harsh speech ),
5. parusha vachana (harsh speech)
6. anruta vacana ( speaking untruth),
7. sambhinna alapa (speech causing separation, breaking of company),
8. vyapada (quarrel, intention of harming ),
9. abhidya (jealousy, not tolerating good of others) and
10. drgviparyaya ( finding fault, misunderstanding, faithlessness etc. with scriptures, elders etc)
· These ten sins pertaining to the body , speech and mind should be avoided.
· Of these ten, the first three are related to body, next four- related to speech and last three – related with mind.
अवृत्तिव्याधिशोकार्ताननुवर्तेत शक्तितः
· Those who have no means of livelihood, who are suffering from diseases and who are afflicted with grief should be helped.
आत्मवत्सततं पश्येदपि कीटपिपीलिकम्
Even the insects and ants should be seen with respect,
· God, cow, brahmana, elders, the physician, king and guests should be worshipped.
विमुखान्नार्थिनः कुर्यान्नावमन्येत नाक्षिपेत्
Beggars should not be disappointed, abused or objected.
उपकारप्रधानः स्यादपकारपरे अप्यरौ
सम्पद्विपत्स्वेकमना,हेतावीर्ष्येत्फले न तु
· one should be very helpful even to his foes, even though they are not helpful.
· sampat vipatsu eka manaaha: one should maintain a balanced mind both during calamity and prosperity.
· one should be envious of the cause of the wealth and happiness of others but not jealous of the effect of money , happiness etc.
काले हितं मितं ब्रूयाद्विसंवादि पेशलम्
1. kale bruyat – speak only on the right occasion.
2. hitam bruyat – speak good words, be pleasant.
3. mitam bruyat – speak little, as per necessity.
4. which is not un true
5. which is pleasing
पूर्वाभिभाषी, सुमुखः सुशीलः करुणामृदुः
नैकः सुखी, न सर्वत्र विश्रब्धो न शङ्कितः
न कञ्चिदात्मन शत्रुं नात्मानं कस्यचिद्रिपुम्
प्रकाशयेन्नापमानं न च निःस्नेहतां प्रभोः
1. purva abhibhashi _ be the first to greet, to start conversation
2. sumukhaha – have a smiling face
3. susheelaha – have good character
4. karuna, mrudu: – be courteous, be soft in speech and activity.
5. na eka sukhee – do not be a person who likes to be alone always.
6. na sarvata: vishrabdo – do not believe everything around you
7. na shankhitaha – do not suspect everything around
8. do not instantly think someone as your foe or that he is a foe of someone else.
9. do not publicly talk about insults that you underwent,
10. do not publicly talk about disaffection towards your king (boss/ master / senior)
जनस्याशयमालक्ष्य यो यथा परितुष्यति
तं तथैवानुवर्तेत पराराधनपण्डितः
Keeping in mind the nature of the people, one should deal with them in such manner as best pleasing to them, becoming well-versed in the art of adoring others.
न पीडयेदिन्द्रियाणि न चैतान्यतिलालयेत्
The sense organs should neither be strained very much nor should they be fondled or coaxed very much.
त्रिवर्गशून्यं नारम्भं भजेत्तं चाविरोधयन्
Do not engage yourself in things that are devoid of three pursuits
1. (dharma (righteousness),
2. artha, (wealth) and
3. kama (pleasure) ):
· Should carry on the occupation without going contrary to them (dharma and karma).
अनुयायात्प्रतिपदं सर्वधर्मेषु मध्यमाम्
· In all dealings (activities) one should adopt the middle mean only, avoiding the extremes.
स्नानशीलः सुसुरभिः सुवेषो अनुल्बणोज्ज्वलः
· one should cut his hair, nails, and moustaches regularly.
· keep feet, ears, nose, eyes, urethra and anus clean
· take bath daily,
· put on scents and good dress which is not superfluous but is pleasant to look at.
धारयेत्सततं रत्नसिद्धमन्त्रमहौषधीः
सातपत्रपदत्राणो विचरेध्युगमात्रदृक्
निशि चात्ययिके कार्यं दण्डी मौली सहायवान्
· wear precious stones,
· potent hymns and herbs (kept inside amulets) on the body.
· walk holding an umbrella ,
· putting on foot wear and
· looking straight to a distance of four arm’s length in front of you.
In case of urgent work at nights,
· one should go equipped with a baton,
· head- dress and
· an assistant.
नाक्रामेच्छर्करालोष्टबलिस्नानभुवो न च
one should not invade on
· the shade of a holy tree on which deities reside (or a buddhist shrine),
· materials (or men) of worship,
· banner
· and unholy thing,
· heap of ash,
· husk
· and dirt,
· sand dunes,
· boulders,
· places of bali (offering sacrifices to gods, demons etc.)
· and bathing.
नदीं तरेन्न बाहुभ्यां, नाग्निस्कन्धमभिव्रजेत्
सन्दिग्धनावं वृक्षं च नारोहेददुष्टयानवत्
· one should not swim across rivers with arms,
· should not walk facing huge fire,
· should not travel in a risky boat,
· not climb a tree doubtful of strength ;
· or ride on a vehicle, which is in bad condition.
नासंवृतमुखः कुर्यात्क्षुतिहास्यविज्रुम्भणम्
· One should not sneeze, laugh or yawn without covering his mouth.
नासिकां न विकुष्णीयान्नाकस्माद्विलिखेद्भुवम्
नाङ्गैश्चेष्टेत विगुणं, नासीतोत्कटकश्चिरम्
· one should not blow his nose (except for forcing out the dirty excretion);
· not scratch the ground without any reason,
· not do ugly movements of the parts of the body
· and sit on one’s own heels for a long time.
देहवाक्चेतसां चेष्टाःप्राक् श्रमाद्विनिवर्तयेत्
नोर्ध्वजानुश्चिरं तिष्ठेत्
· one should stop the activities of the body , of speech and of the mind before getting exhausted ;
· should not keep his knees above for long period (keeping erect folded at the knee while sleeping or standing on the hands keeping the legs up etc. )
नक्तं सेवेत न द्रूवम्
तथा चत्वरचैत्यान्तश्चतुष्पथसुरालयान्
सुनाटवीशून्यगृहश्मशानानि दिवा अपि न
One should not reside at
· night on trees,
· meeting place of three roads,
· or places where people assemble for recreation,
· vicinity of a holy tree (or a buddhist shrine),
· meeting place of four roads and temple, (house of god).
· one should not reside even during daytime,
· in a place of slaughter,
· a forest,
· haunted house
· and burial ground.
सर्वथेक्षेत नादित्यं, न भारं शिरसा वहेत्
नेक्षेत प्रततं सूक्ष्मं दीप्तामेध्याप्रियाणि च
· No one should gaze at the sun for a long time,
· should not carry heavy weight on his head,
· not see continuously objects which are minute, shining, dirty and unpleasant.
मध्यविक्रयसन्धानदानादानानि नाचरेत्
· One should not engage in
· selling ,
· brewing,
· free distributing, or
· receiving of wine .
अनृजुः क्षवथुद्गारकासस्वप्नान्नमैथुनम्
कूलछायां नृपद्विष्टं व्यालदंष्ट्रिविपाणिनः
हीनानार्यार्तिनिपुणसेवां विग्रह्मुत्तमैः
गाक्त्रवक्रनखैर्वाध्यं हस्तकेशावधूननम्
तोयाग्निपूज्यमध्येन यानं धूमं शवाश्रयम्
मध्यातिसक्तिं विश्रम्भस्वातन्व्ये स्त्रीषु च त्यजेत्
· the person should avoid
· the direct breeze,
· sunlight,
· dust,
· snow(dew),
· hard breeze (whirlwind etc);
2. should not
· sneeze
· belch,
· cough,
· sleep,
· dine
· or copulate in improper postures,
3. should avoid
· the shade of a scaffold,
· places hated by the king (or government),
· company of wild animals ,
· biting animals
· and those with horns;
· of mean, wicked (uncivilised and very intelligent persons);
4. Avoid quarrel with good men;
5. Avoid
· taking foods,
· sex,
· sleeping,
· study
· and recapitulation at the time of meeting of the night and sunrise
6. Avoid the food
· given by enemies,
· given during sacrificial ceremony, (that offered by large group of donors of different castes),
· that given by prostitutes and merchants;
7. one should not
· make sound with the body parts, mouth and nails,
· nor shake the hand and hairs;
· should not move in between two (receptacles of ) water, fire and the worshipful;
· should avoid the smoke of a cadaver ;
· too much indulgence, in wine (drinking),
· believing and independence for (wicked) women.
आचार्यः सर्वचेष्टासु लोक एव हि धीमतः
अनुकुर्यात्तमेवातो लौकिकेअर्थं परीक्षकः
· For an intelligent person the world is a teacher, hence one should imitate the world after carefully considering their meaning and effects of such actions.
आर्द्रसन्तानता त्यागः कायवाक्चेतसां दमः
स्वार्थबुद्धिः परार्थेषु पर्याप्तमिति सद्व्रतम्
a. Compassion with all living beings,
b. granting of gifts,
c. controlling the activities of the body, speech and mind;
d. feeling of selfishness in the interests of others (looking after the interest of others as his own) these are sufficient rules of good conduct.
नक्तंदिनानि मे यान्ति कथम्भूतस्य सम्प्रति
दुःखभाङ्न भवत्येवं नित्यं सन्निहितस्मृतिः
He, who constantly thinks of how his day and night are passing and adopts the right way, will never become a victim of sorrow.
इत्याचारः समासेन, यं प्राप्नोति समाचरन्
आयुरारोग्यमैश्वर्यं यशो लोकांश्च शाश्वतान्
Thus was enumerated, in brief the rules of good conduct; he who adopts it will (surely) attain long life, health, wealth, reputation and also the eternal world.
ब्राह्मे मुहूर्त उत्तिष्ठेत्स्वस्थो रक्षार्थमायुषः
Healthy person should get up from bed at brahmi muhurtha,
· to protect his life.
that is, before dawn, or around 45 minutes before sun rise, around 5 – 6 am
last three hours of the night – from 3 am to 6 am – is known as brahma muhurta.
शरीरचिन्तां निर्वर्त्य कृतशौचविधिस्ततः
प्रातर्भुक्त्वा च मृद्वग्रं कषायकटुतिक्तकम्
कनीन्यग्रसमस्थौल्यं प्रगुणं द्वादशाङ्गुलम्
भक्षयेद्दन्तपवनं दन्तमांसान्यबाधयन्
· Keeping in view, the condition of his body, the individual should attend to ablutions- after eliminating urine and faeces,
· Then clean teeth with the twigs of following herbs -
a. arka (calotropis procera),
b. nyagrodha / vata (ficus benghalensis),
c. khadira (acacia catechu),
d. karanja (pongamia pinnata),
e. kakubha (terminalia arjuna).
· which are
i. कषाय / asringent
ii. कटु / pungent
iii. तिक्त / bitter in taste
· the thickness of the twig should be approximately equal to the tip of one’s little finger.
· it should be 12 angula length.
· straight
· the tip of the twig should be chewed a little to make it as brush.
· the teeth should be cleaned without hurting the gums
तृष्णास्यपाकहृन्नेत्रशिरः कर्णमयी च तत्
People suffering from
· अजीर्ण / indigestion,
· वमथु / vomiting,
· श्वास / dyspnoea,
· कास / cough,
· ज्वर / fever,
· अर्दित / facial paralysis,
· तृष्णा / excessive thirst
· आस्यपाक / ulceration of mouth,
· हृ / heart disease,
· नेत्रशिरः कर्णमयी / diseases of eyes, head and ears.
सौवीरमञ्जनं नित्यं हितमक्ष्णोस्ततो भजेत्
1. It is good to apply a special type of collyrium called sauveera anjana to the eyes. it should be applied daily.
चक्षुस्तेजोमयं तस्य विशेषात् श्लेष्मतो भयम् ॥
योजयेत्सप्तरात्रे अस्मात्स्रावणार्थं रसाञ्जनम् ।
· Eye is full of tejas / light and has risk of troubles especially from sleshma / kapha.
· rasanjana (aqueous extract of दारु हरिद्र / berberis aristata),
a. should be applied once in a week,
b. to drain out kapha (secretions) from the eyes.
ततो नावनगण्डूषधूमताम्बूलभाग्भवेत्
After collyrium application, healthy person should do
· नावन / navana (nasya – nasal drops),
· गण्डूष / gandusha – mouth gargles,
· धूम / dhuma – inhalation of smoke, and
· ताम्बूल / tambula – chewing betel leaves.
ताम्बूलं क्षतपितास्ररूक्षोत्कुपितचक्षुषाम्
विषमूर्च्छामदार्तानामपथ्यं शोषिणामपि
- Those suffering from
· क्षत - wounds,
· पितास्र - bleeding diseases,
· रूक्ष - dryness,
· कुपितचक्षुषाम् - redness of eye,
· विष - poisoning,
· मूर्च्छा - unconsciousness,
· मदार्तानाम् - intoxication and
· शोषिणाम् - from tuberculosis
should avoid betel leaf chewing.
अभ्यङ्गं आचरेत् नित्यं, स जरा श्रमवातहा ।
दृष्टिप्रसाद पुष्टि आयु:स्वप्नसुत्वक्त्वदार्ढ्यकृत् ॥
शिर: श्रवणपादेषु तं विशेषेण शीलयेत् ।
वर्ज्योऽभ्यङ्ग: कफग्रस्तकृतसंशुद्धि अजीर्णिभि: ॥
Abhyanga / OIL massage should be done daily,
· it delays ageing,
· relieves exertion and excess of vata (aches and pains).
· it improves vision,
· nourishes body tissues,
· prolongs age,
· induces good sleep and
· improves skin tone and complexion.
Massage should be specially done on
· ears,
· head and
· feet.
Massage should be avoided
· when there is increase of kapha in the body,
· who have undergone shodhana (purificatory therapies) and
· who are suffering from indigestion.
लाघवं कर्मसामर्थ्यं दीप्तोऽग्नि: मेदस: क्षय: विभक्तघनगात्रत्वं व्यायामात् उपजायते
Exercise brings about
1. lightness of the body
2. it improves ability to do work,
3. increases digestion power,
4. burns excess fat.
5. it brings body into good shape.
वातपित्तामयो बालो वृद्धोऽजीर्णी च तं त्यजेत्
People with
1.diseases of vata and pitta,
3.the aged,
4.people with indigestion problem
अर्धशक्त्या निषेव्यस्तु बलिभि: स्निग्धभोजिभि:
शीतकाले वसन्ते च, मन्दमेव ततो अन्यदा
1.exercise should be done by
2.those having full strength and
3.who take fatty food daily,
4.in cold seasons
a. till one’s half strength.
· while others and in other seasons, exercise should be done mildly
तं कृत्वाऽनुसुखं देहं मर्दयेत् च समन्तत:
1. at the end of the exercise,
2. all parts of the body should be massaged comfortably
तृष्णा क्षयः प्रतमको रक्तपित्तं श्रमः क्लमः
अतिव्यवायामतः कासो ज्वरश्छर्दिश्च जायते
1. excessive thirst,
2. emaciation,
3. severe dyspnoea (difficulty in breathing),
4. bleeding disorders,
5. exhaustion,
6. feeling of debility (even without any work),
7. cough,
8. fever and
9. vomiting.
व्यायामजागराध्वस्त्रीहास्यभाष्यादि साहसम्
गजं सिंहं इवाकर्षन् भजन्नातिविनश्यति
· those who indulge in too much of exercise daily,
· who keep themselves awake till late nights, regularly,
· who walk long distances regularly,
· who indulge in excessive sexual activities,
· too much of laughing,
· speaking,
· and such other strenuous activities,
· will perish, just as a lion perishes after vanquishing an elephant.
उद्वर्तनं कफहरं मेदस: प्रविलायनम् । स्थिरीकरणं अङ्गानां त्वक्प्रसादकरं परम् ॥
· mitigates kapha,
· helps to burn fat
· brings stability of the body parts,
· improves strength and skin complexion.
दीपनं वृष्यमायुष्यं स्नानं ऊर्जाबलप्रदम्
· improves digestion,
· acts as aphrodisiac,
· prolongs life,
· increases enthusiasm and strength.
· removes itching
· helps to get rid of dirt,
· exhauston
· sweat,
· stupor / tiredness,
· excessive thirst,
· burning sensation
· and sins.
उष्णाम्बुना अधकायस्य परिषेको बलावहः
तेनैव तूत्तमाङ्गस्य बलहृत्केशचक्षुषाम्
pouring warm water over the body
· bestows strength,
but the same over the head,
· makes for loss of strength of the hair and eyes.
स्नानमर्दितनेत्रास्य कर्णरोगातिसारिषु
आध्मानपीनसाजीर्णभुक्तवत्सु च गार्हितम्
bath is contra- indicated for those suffering from
· facial paralysis,
· diseases of the eyes, mouth and ears,
· diarrhoea,
· flatulence,
· rhinitis,
· indigestion and
· who have just taken food.
जीर्णे हितं मितं चाद्यात् न वेगानीरयेत् बलात् न वेगितो अन्यकार्य: स्यात् न अजित्वा साध्यं आमयम्
1. one should always eat,
· only after digestion of previous food,
· in limited quantity.
2. na vegan neerayet – one should not induce natural urges forcefully.
3. na vegito anya kaaryaha – one should immediately attend to natural urges, whenever they come, without being busy in other activities.
सुखार्था: सर्वभूतानां मता: सर्वा: प्रवृत्तय:
सुखं च न विना धर्मात् तस्मात् धर्मपरो भवेत्
all the creatures are behind happiness.
· There is no happiness, without righteousness.
· Hence all should follow the path of righteousness.
भक्त्या कल्याणमित्राणि सेवेत्तेतरदूरगः
· Friends should be served with affection and good deeds,
· Whereas the others (wicked) should be kept at a distance.
हिंसास्तेय अन्यथाकामं पैशुन्यं परुष अनृते
सम्भिन्न आलापं व्यापाद अभिध्यां दृग्विपर्ययम्
पापं कर्मेति दशधा काया वाङ् मनसै: त्यजेत्
1. himsa (causing injury, torture etc.)
2. steya ( stealing , robbing),
3. anyathakama (unlawful sexual activity, desiring for others),
4. paisunya (abusive or harsh speech ),
5. parusha vachana (harsh speech)
6. anruta vacana ( speaking untruth),
7. sambhinna alapa (speech causing separation, breaking of company),
8. vyapada (quarrel, intention of harming ),
9. abhidya (jealousy, not tolerating good of others) and
10. drgviparyaya ( finding fault, misunderstanding, faithlessness etc. with scriptures, elders etc)
· These ten sins pertaining to the body , speech and mind should be avoided.
· Of these ten, the first three are related to body, next four- related to speech and last three – related with mind.
अवृत्तिव्याधिशोकार्ताननुवर्तेत शक्तितः
· Those who have no means of livelihood, who are suffering from diseases and who are afflicted with grief should be helped.
आत्मवत्सततं पश्येदपि कीटपिपीलिकम्
Even the insects and ants should be seen with respect,
· God, cow, brahmana, elders, the physician, king and guests should be worshipped.
विमुखान्नार्थिनः कुर्यान्नावमन्येत नाक्षिपेत्
Beggars should not be disappointed, abused or objected.
उपकारप्रधानः स्यादपकारपरे अप्यरौ
सम्पद्विपत्स्वेकमना,हेतावीर्ष्येत्फले न तु
· one should be very helpful even to his foes, even though they are not helpful.
· sampat vipatsu eka manaaha: one should maintain a balanced mind both during calamity and prosperity.
· one should be envious of the cause of the wealth and happiness of others but not jealous of the effect of money , happiness etc.
काले हितं मितं ब्रूयाद्विसंवादि पेशलम्
1. kale bruyat – speak only on the right occasion.
2. hitam bruyat – speak good words, be pleasant.
3. mitam bruyat – speak little, as per necessity.
4. which is not un true
5. which is pleasing
पूर्वाभिभाषी, सुमुखः सुशीलः करुणामृदुः
नैकः सुखी, न सर्वत्र विश्रब्धो न शङ्कितः
न कञ्चिदात्मन शत्रुं नात्मानं कस्यचिद्रिपुम्
प्रकाशयेन्नापमानं न च निःस्नेहतां प्रभोः
1. purva abhibhashi _ be the first to greet, to start conversation
2. sumukhaha – have a smiling face
3. susheelaha – have good character
4. karuna, mrudu: – be courteous, be soft in speech and activity.
5. na eka sukhee – do not be a person who likes to be alone always.
6. na sarvata: vishrabdo – do not believe everything around you
7. na shankhitaha – do not suspect everything around
8. do not instantly think someone as your foe or that he is a foe of someone else.
9. do not publicly talk about insults that you underwent,
10. do not publicly talk about disaffection towards your king (boss/ master / senior)
जनस्याशयमालक्ष्य यो यथा परितुष्यति
तं तथैवानुवर्तेत पराराधनपण्डितः
Keeping in mind the nature of the people, one should deal with them in such manner as best pleasing to them, becoming well-versed in the art of adoring others.
न पीडयेदिन्द्रियाणि न चैतान्यतिलालयेत्
The sense organs should neither be strained very much nor should they be fondled or coaxed very much.
त्रिवर्गशून्यं नारम्भं भजेत्तं चाविरोधयन्
Do not engage yourself in things that are devoid of three pursuits
1. (dharma (righteousness),
2. artha, (wealth) and
3. kama (pleasure) ):
· Should carry on the occupation without going contrary to them (dharma and karma).
अनुयायात्प्रतिपदं सर्वधर्मेषु मध्यमाम्
· In all dealings (activities) one should adopt the middle mean only, avoiding the extremes.
स्नानशीलः सुसुरभिः सुवेषो अनुल्बणोज्ज्वलः
· one should cut his hair, nails, and moustaches regularly.
· keep feet, ears, nose, eyes, urethra and anus clean
· take bath daily,
· put on scents and good dress which is not superfluous but is pleasant to look at.
धारयेत्सततं रत्नसिद्धमन्त्रमहौषधीः
सातपत्रपदत्राणो विचरेध्युगमात्रदृक्
निशि चात्ययिके कार्यं दण्डी मौली सहायवान्
· wear precious stones,
· potent hymns and herbs (kept inside amulets) on the body.
· walk holding an umbrella ,
· putting on foot wear and
· looking straight to a distance of four arm’s length in front of you.
In case of urgent work at nights,
· one should go equipped with a baton,
· head- dress and
· an assistant.
नाक्रामेच्छर्करालोष्टबलिस्नानभुवो न च
one should not invade on
· the shade of a holy tree on which deities reside (or a buddhist shrine),
· materials (or men) of worship,
· banner
· and unholy thing,
· heap of ash,
· husk
· and dirt,
· sand dunes,
· boulders,
· places of bali (offering sacrifices to gods, demons etc.)
· and bathing.
नदीं तरेन्न बाहुभ्यां, नाग्निस्कन्धमभिव्रजेत्
सन्दिग्धनावं वृक्षं च नारोहेददुष्टयानवत्
· one should not swim across rivers with arms,
· should not walk facing huge fire,
· should not travel in a risky boat,
· not climb a tree doubtful of strength ;
· or ride on a vehicle, which is in bad condition.
नासंवृतमुखः कुर्यात्क्षुतिहास्यविज्रुम्भणम्
· One should not sneeze, laugh or yawn without covering his mouth.
नासिकां न विकुष्णीयान्नाकस्माद्विलिखेद्भुवम्
नाङ्गैश्चेष्टेत विगुणं, नासीतोत्कटकश्चिरम्
· one should not blow his nose (except for forcing out the dirty excretion);
· not scratch the ground without any reason,
· not do ugly movements of the parts of the body
· and sit on one’s own heels for a long time.
देहवाक्चेतसां चेष्टाःप्राक् श्रमाद्विनिवर्तयेत्
नोर्ध्वजानुश्चिरं तिष्ठेत्
· one should stop the activities of the body , of speech and of the mind before getting exhausted ;
· should not keep his knees above for long period (keeping erect folded at the knee while sleeping or standing on the hands keeping the legs up etc. )
नक्तं सेवेत न द्रूवम्
तथा चत्वरचैत्यान्तश्चतुष्पथसुरालयान्
सुनाटवीशून्यगृहश्मशानानि दिवा अपि न
One should not reside at
· night on trees,
· meeting place of three roads,
· or places where people assemble for recreation,
· vicinity of a holy tree (or a buddhist shrine),
· meeting place of four roads and temple, (house of god).
· one should not reside even during daytime,
· in a place of slaughter,
· a forest,
· haunted house
· and burial ground.
सर्वथेक्षेत नादित्यं, न भारं शिरसा वहेत्
नेक्षेत प्रततं सूक्ष्मं दीप्तामेध्याप्रियाणि च
· No one should gaze at the sun for a long time,
· should not carry heavy weight on his head,
· not see continuously objects which are minute, shining, dirty and unpleasant.
मध्यविक्रयसन्धानदानादानानि नाचरेत्
· One should not engage in
· selling ,
· brewing,
· free distributing, or
· receiving of wine .
अनृजुः क्षवथुद्गारकासस्वप्नान्नमैथुनम्
कूलछायां नृपद्विष्टं व्यालदंष्ट्रिविपाणिनः
हीनानार्यार्तिनिपुणसेवां विग्रह्मुत्तमैः
गाक्त्रवक्रनखैर्वाध्यं हस्तकेशावधूननम्
तोयाग्निपूज्यमध्येन यानं धूमं शवाश्रयम्
मध्यातिसक्तिं विश्रम्भस्वातन्व्ये स्त्रीषु च त्यजेत्
· the person should avoid
· the direct breeze,
· sunlight,
· dust,
· snow(dew),
· hard breeze (whirlwind etc);
2. should not
· sneeze
· belch,
· cough,
· sleep,
· dine
· or copulate in improper postures,
3. should avoid
· the shade of a scaffold,
· places hated by the king (or government),
· company of wild animals ,
· biting animals
· and those with horns;
· of mean, wicked (uncivilised and very intelligent persons);
4. Avoid quarrel with good men;
5. Avoid
· taking foods,
· sex,
· sleeping,
· study
· and recapitulation at the time of meeting of the night and sunrise
6. Avoid the food
· given by enemies,
· given during sacrificial ceremony, (that offered by large group of donors of different castes),
· that given by prostitutes and merchants;
7. one should not
· make sound with the body parts, mouth and nails,
· nor shake the hand and hairs;
· should not move in between two (receptacles of ) water, fire and the worshipful;
· should avoid the smoke of a cadaver ;
· too much indulgence, in wine (drinking),
· believing and independence for (wicked) women.
आचार्यः सर्वचेष्टासु लोक एव हि धीमतः
अनुकुर्यात्तमेवातो लौकिकेअर्थं परीक्षकः
· For an intelligent person the world is a teacher, hence one should imitate the world after carefully considering their meaning and effects of such actions.
आर्द्रसन्तानता त्यागः कायवाक्चेतसां दमः
स्वार्थबुद्धिः परार्थेषु पर्याप्तमिति सद्व्रतम्
a. Compassion with all living beings,
b. granting of gifts,
c. controlling the activities of the body, speech and mind;
d. feeling of selfishness in the interests of others (looking after the interest of others as his own) these are sufficient rules of good conduct.
नक्तंदिनानि मे यान्ति कथम्भूतस्य सम्प्रति
दुःखभाङ्न भवत्येवं नित्यं सन्निहितस्मृतिः
He, who constantly thinks of how his day and night are passing and adopts the right way, will never become a victim of sorrow.
इत्याचारः समासेन, यं प्राप्नोति समाचरन्
आयुरारोग्यमैश्वर्यं यशो लोकांश्च शाश्वतान्
Thus was enumerated, in brief the rules of good conduct; he who adopts it will (surely) attain long life, health, wealth, reputation and also the eternal world.
Nyc work...
thank you
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