It deals with details of different food materials. The chapter covers corns, grains, legumes, pulses, prepared foods, non veg food, leafy vegetables, fruits, salts and medicinal herbs.
अथ शूकधान्य वर्गः
रक्तो महान् सकलमस्तूर्णकः शकुनाहृतः
सारामुखो दीर्घशुको रोध्रशूकः सुगन्धिकः
पुण्ड्रः पाण्डुः पुण्डरीकः प्रमोदो गौरसारिवौ
काञ्चनो महिषः शूको दूषकः कुसुमाण्डकः
लाङ्गला लोहवालाख्याः कर्दमाः शीतभीरुकाः
पतङ्गास्तपनीयाश्च ये चान्ये शालयः शुभाः
Types of rice –
1. Rakta (red),
2. mahan (big sized rice),
3. kalama,
4. turnaka,
5. shakunahruta,
6. saaramukha,
7. deerghashuka (having long sharp spike at the ends),
8. sugandhika (having good smell),
9. rodhrashuka,
10. pundra,
11. pandu,
12. pundarika,
13. Pramoda,
14. Gaura (white rice),
15. Sariva,
16. Kanchana (golden colored rice),
17. mahisha,
18. Shuka,
19. Dushaka,
20. Kusumandaka,
21. Langala
22. Lohavala,
23. Kardama,
24. Sheetabheeruka,
25. Patanga,
26. stapaneeya (bright red)
– these varieties of rice are good for consumption.
स्वादुपाकरसाः स्निग्धा वृष्या बद्धाल्पवर्चसः
कषायानुरसाः पथ्या लघवो मूत्रला हिमाः
1. Svadu rasa – sweet taste
2. Swadu paka – sweet taste conversion after digestion
3. Snigdha – unctuous
4. Vrushya – natural aphrodisiac
5. Baddhalpavarchasaha – causes mild constipation, causes lesser volume of faeces
6. Kashaya anurasa – mild astringent taste
7. Pathya – suitable for daily consumption
8. Laghu – light to digest
9. Mutrala – diuretic, increases urine volume
10. Hima – coolant
शूकजेषु वरस्तत्र रक्तस्तृष्णात्रिदोषहा
महास्तमनु कलमस्तं चाप्यनु ततः परे
a)Red variety of rice is the best quality (Raktashali).
· It relieves thirst
· and balances all the three Doshas.
b)Next best to it is Mahan (big sized rice) variety.
c) Next to it is Kalama variety. and the chronology continues, as in Verse 1 – 3.
यवका हायनाः पांसुबाष्पनैषधकादयः
स्वदूष्णा गुरवः स्निग्धाः पाके अमलाः श्लेष्मपित्तलाः
सृष्टमूत्रपुरीषाश्च पूर्वं पूर्वं च निन्दिताः
· Yavaka,
· Haayana,
· Paamshu,
· Vashpa,
· Naishadha varieties of rice
a)Svadu – sweet,
b)Ushna – hot in potency,
c) Guru – hard to digest,
d) Shleshmapittala – increases Kapha and Pitta
e) Snigdha (unctuous, oily)
f) Amlapaka – undergoes sour taste conversion after digestion
g) Srushtamutrapureesha – increases bulk and volume of faeces and urine
· They are bad in their reverse order.
स्निग्धो ग्राहि लघुः स्वादुस्त्रिदोषघ्नः स्थिरो हिमः
षष्टिको व्रीहिषु श्रेष्ठो गौरश्चासितगौरतः
Shashtika shali – the paddy which matures in 60 days
· is best among all paddy.
It is
a)Snigdha - unctuous, oily
b)Grahi – absorbent, useful in mal-absorption syndrome and diarrhea
c)Laghu (light to digest)
d)Svadu – sweet
e)Tridoshaghna – balances all the three Doshas
f)Sthira – brings in stability
g)Hima –coolant
It is of two types –
1. Gaura – white and
2. Asita-gaura (blackish white).
ततः क्रमान्महाव्रीहिकृष्णव्रीहिजतूमुखाः
गन्धनाः कुरुविन्दाश्च गुणैरल्पान्तराः स्मृताः
· Next inferior to shashtika is mahavrihi,
· next to that is krishnavrihi and
· the others such as jatu mukha, kukkutandaka, lavaka, paravataka, sukara, varaka, uddalaka, ujvala, cina, sarada, dardura, gandhana and kuruvinda.
स्वादुरम्लविपाको अन्यो व्रीहिः पित्तकरो गुरुः
बहुमूत्रपुरीषोष्मा, त्रिदोषस्त्वेव पाटलः
The other types of rice are –
a)sweet in taste,
b) sour at the end of digestion,
c) increases Pitta and are hard to digest.
d) It increases volume of urine and faeces,
e) increases body heat and
f) causes imbalance of Tridosha.
कङ्गुकोद्रवनीवारश्यामाकादि हिमं लघु
तृणधान्यं पवनकृल्लेखनं कफपित्तहृत्
Kangu, Kodrava, Neevara, Shyamaka and other grains
· cold in potency,
· easily digestible,
· increases Vata,
· Lekhana (scraping, scarificient) and
· balance Kapha and Pitta.
भग्नसन्धानकृत्तत्र प्रियङ्गुर्बृंहणी गुरुः
कोरदूषः परं ग्राही स्पर्शे शीतो विषापहः
Of them,
· helps in fracture healing,
· nutritive,
· nourishing and
· is hard to digest.
Koradusha is
· grahi (absorbent),
· coolant and
· anti-poisonous.
रूक्षः शीतो गुरुः स्वादुः सरो विट्वातकृत् यवः
वृष्यः स्थैर्यकरो मूत्रमेदः पित्तकफान् जयेत्
Yava (Barley) is
1. Rooksha (dry)
2. Sheeta – cold
3. Guru (Heavy to digest)
4. Svadu – Madhura (sweet)
5. Sara – promotes bowel movements
6. Vit-vata krut – it increases the bulk of faeces and causes flatus
7. Vrushya – natural aphrodisiac
8. Stairyakrut – increases body stability
Useful in
· Mutrameda – urinary disorder
· Pitta – Kapha imbalance disorders
· Peenasa – running nose, rhinitis
· Shwasa – Asthma, COPD, wheezing, breathing difficulty
· Kasa – cough, cold
· Urusthamba – thigh stiffness
· Kantaroga – diseases of throat
· Twakroga – skin diseases
न्यूनो यवादनुयवः रूक्षोष्णो वंशजो यवः
· Anuyava ( a small sized barley) is inferior in qualities to that of Yava.
· Venuyava (seeds of bamboo) is non- unctuous and hot in potency.
वृष्यः शीतो गुरुः स्निग्धो जीवनो वातपित्तहा
सन्धानकारी मधुरो गोधूमः स्थैर्यकृत् सरः
पथ्या नन्दीमुखी शीता कषायमधुरा लघुः
Wheat is
1. Vrushya – natural aphrodisiac
2.Sheeta – cold
3.Guru (Heavy to digest)
4.Snigdha – unctuous, oily
5.Jivaniya – enlivening
6.Vatapittaha – balances Vata and Pitta
7.Sandhanakari – heals fractures and wounds
8. Madhura (sweet)
9.Sthairyakrut – increases body stability
10.Sara – promotes bowel movements
11.Pathya – can be had on daily basis
· Nandimukhi variety of wheat is good for health.
It is
a)Sheeta – cold
b)Kashaya (astringent)
c)Madhura (sweet)
d)And Laghu (light to digest)
इति शूकधान्यवर्गः
अथ शिम्बीधान्यवर्गः
मुद्गाढकी मसूरादि शिम्बीधान्यं विबन्धकृत्
कषायं स्वादु सङ्ग्राही कटुपाकं हिमं लघु
मेदः श्लेष्मास्रपित्तेषु हितं लेपोपसेकयोः
Mudga (green gram) , adhaki (toor dal), masura(lentil) and other varieties belong to the group called shimbidhanya (those having pods/legumes).
1. Vibandhakrut – They cause constipation,
2. Kashaya, Swadu – astringent sweet in taste,
3. Grahi – absorbent,
4. Katu vipaka – pungent after digestion,
5. Sheeta – cold in potency,
6. Laghu – easily digestible,
7. mitigate fat, kapha, asra (blood) and pitta,
8.suited for use as external application and bathing the body parts etc.
वरो अत्र मुद्गो अल्पचलः, कलायस्त्वतिवातलः
राजमाषो अनिलकरो रूक्षो बहुशकृद्गुरुः
Among them, mudga (green gram) is best,
· it causes mild increase of chala (vata):
kalaya (round pea)
· causes vata and dryness,
· produces more faeces and
· is hard to digest
Rajamasha (big sized black gram)
· increases Vata,
· it is dry,
· heavy to digest and
· increases bulk of faeces.
उष्णाः कुलत्थाः पाके अम्लाः शुक्राश्मश्वासपीनसान्
कासार्शः कफवातांश्च घ्नन्ति पित्तस्रदाः परम्
Kulttha (horse gram) is
1. Ushna – hot in potency,
2. Amlapaka – sour at the end of digestion,
3. cleanses semen,
4. useful in
a)urinary stones,
b)Shwasa – Asthma, COPD, wheezing, breathing difficulty
c) Peenasa – running nose, rhinitis
d) Kasa – cough, cold
e) Kapha – Vata diseases
· But it increases bleeding disorders and is not recommended in such conditions, like menorrhagia.
निष्पावो वातपित्तास्र स्तन्यमूत्रकरो गुरुः
सरो विदाही दृक्शुक्रकफशोषविषापहः
· aggravates vata, pitta, bleeding disorders,
· it increases breast milk production
· and promotes urine formation.
· It is
a)Guru (Heavy to digest)
b)Sara – promotes bowel movements
c) Vidahi – increases burning sensation
d) It is not good for eyes and semen quality.
e) It decreases Kapha,
f) inflammation and
g) is useful in poisoning.
माषः स्निग्धो बलश्लेश्म मलपित्तकरः सरः
गुरुष्णो अनिलहा स्वादुः शुक्रवृद्धि विरेककृत्
Black gram is
1. Snigdha – unctuous,
2. Balya – increases strength,
3. increases kapha and Pitta
4. Malakara – increases bulk of faeces,
5. Sara – laxative,
6. Guru – not easily digestible,
7. Ushna – hot in potency,
8. Vatahara – mitigate Vata,
9. Madhura – sweet in taste,
10. shukra vruddhikara, Virekakrut – increases semen and promotes ejaculation strength.
फलानि माषवद्विध्यात्काकाण्डोलात्मगुप्तयोः
· Fruits of kakandola and atmagupta (Mucuna pruriens) are similar to black gram in qualities.
उष्णस्त्वच्यो हिमः स्पर्श केश्यो बल्यस्तिलो गुरुः
अल्पमूत्रः कटुः पाके मेधा अग्निकफपित्तकृत्
Tila (sesamum) is
1. Ushna – hot in potency ,
2. Tvachya – good for the skin,
3. Sheetasparsha – cold on touch,
4. Keshya – good for hairs,
5. Balya – strengthening,
6. Guru – hard to digest,
7. Alpamutra – produces little quantity of urine,
8. Katu paka – pungent at the end of digestion
9. Medhakrut – increases intelligence,
10. Agnikrut – increases digestive function,
11. and increases kapha and pitta.
स्निग्धोमा स्वादुतिक्तोष्णा कफपित्तकरी गुरुः
दृक्शुक्रहृत्कटुः पाके, तद्वत् बीजं कुसुमभजम्
a)Snigdha unctuous,
b)Madhura Tikta – sweet – bitter in taste,
c) Ushna – hot in potency,
d) increases kapha and pitta,
e) hard to digest,
f) not good for vision and semen,
g) pungent at the end of digestion.
· Similar are the seeds of kusumbha.
माषो अत्र सर्वेष्ववरो, यवकः शूकजेषु च
· Masa (black gram) in the group of simbija (legumes) and
· yavaka (small barley) in the group of sukaja (cereals) are inferior.
नवं धान्यमभिष्यन्दि, लघु संवत्सरोषितम्
शीघ्रजन्म तथा सूप्यं निस्तुषं युक्तिर्भजितम्
· Fresh grains (just harvested) are abhisyandi (causes excess exudation from tissue pores and block them by it),
· Those old by one year are easily digestible.
· Those which grow quickly, those which are removed of their husk, those that are properly fried are also easy to digest.
इति शिम्बीधान्यवर्गः
Thus ends the group of shimbi dhanyas.(legumes).
अथ कृतान्न / पक्वान्न वर्गः
मण्डपेयाविलेपीनां ओदानस्य च लाघवम्
यथापूर्वं शिवस्तत्र मण्डो वातानुलोमनः
तृड्ग्लानिदोषशेषघ्नः पाचनो धातुसाम्यकृत्
स्रोतोमार्दवकृत्स्वेदी सन्धुक्षयति चानलम्
· Manda, peya, vilepi and odana are preparations of rice or other grains cooked in water.
1. Manda - The thin fluid resembling water, drained out immediately after boiling is known as manda;
2. Peya – slightly thicker to manda but still only liquid is peya;
3. Vilepi – the next stage with more of solid grain and less of fluid is called vilepi and
4. Odana – the last stage which is solid without fluid portion is known as odana.
· Manda, peya, vilepi and odana are more easily digestible in their preceding order of enumeration.
· Manda – easiest to digest. Odana – is comparatively harder to digest.
Manda – (thin fluid drained out)
1. Manda is the best.
2. It causes easy movement of faeces and flatus,
3. relieves thirst and exhaustion,
4. It nullifies residual doshas.
5. Hence it is used as diet after Panchakarma, wherein all the Doshas are eliminated.
6. Manda helps digestion,
7. restores the normalcy of the tissues,
8. causes softness of the channels,
9. perspiration
10. and kindles the digestive activity
मलानुलोमनी पथ्या पेया दीपनपाचनी
Peya (more liquid, less solid)
a) relieves hunger,
b) thirst,
c) exhaustion,
d) debility,
e) diseases of the abdomen and fevers,
f) it causes easy elimination of faeces,
g) good for all,
h) kindles appetite
i) and helps digestion.
Vilepi (less liquid more solid)
विलेपी ग्राहिणी हृद्या तृष्णाघ्नी दीपनी हिता
1. withholds discharge of fluids from the body,
2. good for the heart,
3. relieves thirst,
4. kindles appetite,
5. ideal for all,
6. especially for those suffering from ulcers, eye diseases,
7. those who have been administered Panchakarma purification therapies,
8. who are weak and
9. who have been given fats for drinking as part of Snehana therapy (before Panchakarma).
सुधौतः प्रसृतः स्विन्नो अत्यक्तोष्मा चौदनो लघुः
यश्चाग्नेयौषधक्वाथसाधितो भृष्टतण्डुलः
विपरीतो गुरुः क्षीरमांसाध्यैर्यश्च साधितः
Odana (solid)
· prepared with grains which have been washed well,
· in which the entire water has evaporated
· and which is devoid of hot fumes is easy to digest;
· likewise that prepared along with addition of decoction of medicinal substances of hot potency or that prepared with fried grains are also easily digestible;
· the opposite of these that prepared with addition of milk, muttom etc,. are hard to digest.
इति द्रव्यक्रियायोगमानाद्यैः सर्वमादिशेत्
In this manner, the effects of the grain, kind of processing, admixtures, quantity and other aspects should all be determined.
बृंहणः प्रीणनो वृष्यश्चक्षुष्यो व्रणहो रसः
· Brihmana – nourishing
· Preenana – gives satisfaction,
· Vrushya – aphrodisiac,
· Chakshushya – good for the eye (vision) and
· Vranaha – heals ulcers and wounds.
मौद्गस्तु पथ्यः संशुद्धव्रणकण्ठाक्षिरोगिणाम्
· is good for health,
· for those who have undergone Panchakarma purification threrapies and
· for those suffering from ulcers, diseases of the throat and eyes.
वातानुलोमी कौलत्थो गुल्मतूनीप्रतूनिजित्
· Vatanulomi – initiates normal movement of Vata
Useful in
· Gulma (abdominal tumor),
· tuni and
· pratituni (pains of the groin region)
तिलपिण्याकविकृतिः शुष्कशाकं विरूढकम्
शाण्डाकोवटकं दृग्घ्नं दोषलं ग्लपनं गुरु
1. Eatables prepared from Tila (sesamum),
2. Pinyaka (residue of sesamum after the oil is taken out),
3. dried leafy vegetables,
4. germinated grains,
5. shandaki vataka (balls of fried rice dried in sun and then fried in oil)
· are not good for eyes,
· increase the doshas,
· cause debility and
· are hard to digest.
Hence, Ayurveda does not recommend germinated grains.
रसाला बृंहणी वृष्या स्निग्धा बल्या रुचिप्रदा
· Rasala – curds churned and added with pepper powder and sugar
· -it causes body weight increase,
· it is aphrodisiac,
· unctuous,
· improves strength and
· improves taste.
भ्रमक्षुत् तृट् क्लमहरं पानकं प्रीणनं गुरु
विष्टम्भि मूत्रलं हृद्यं यथाद्रव्यगुणं च तत्
1. Relieves exhaustion,
2. hunger,
3. thirst and
4. fatigue,
5. gives satisfaction.
6. It is generally hard to digest,
7. stays long in the stomach,
8. is diuretic and
9. good to the heart.
10. Its properties depends on material from which it is prepared.
लाजास्तृट्छर्द्यतीसारमेहमेद: कफच्छिद: कासपित्तोपशमना दीपना लघवो हिमा:
· Laja is prepared by frying paddy.
· Relieves thirst,
· vomiting,
· diarrhea,
· diabetes,
· obesity,
· mitigates kapha, cough and pitta,
· increases appetite,
· easy to digest and
· cold in potency.
पृथुका गुरवो बल्या: कफ विष्टम्भकारिण:
Prithuka (parboiled and flaked paddy)
· is hard to digest,
· strengthening
· increases kapha and
· causes constipation.
· Prithuka is prepared by boiling paddy for short while and pounding it with pestle and mortar.
धाना विष्टम्भिनी रूक्षा तर्पणी लेखनी गुरु:
· Dhana (fried barely and other grains) stays long in the stomach causing indigestion,
· is dry, satisfying, scarifying, and hard to digest.
· Dhana is made by frying barely which is soaked in water and
· saktu is flour either raw or fried.
सक्तवो लघवः क्षुत्तृट्श्रमनेत्रामयव्रणान्
घ्नन्ति सन्तर्पणाः पानत्सद्य एव बलप्रदाः
नोदकान्तरितान्न द्विर्न निशायां न केवलान्
न भुक्त्वा न द्विजैश्छित्वा सक्तूनद्यान्न वा बहून्
· Corn flour is easy to digest, relieves hunger, thirst, fatigue , eye diseases and wounds
· is nutritious and
· taken as a drink gives strength immediately.
· Corn flour should not be eaten without drinking water in between,
· should not be consumed twice in a day
· Should not be had at night
· Should not be taken solely, without other kinds of foods.
· Should not be had after meals
· It should not be hard to chew and it should not had in excess quantity.
· Many tasty eatables are prepared from the flour of rice and other cereals, horse gram, bengal gram and other legumes, with addition of spices, sour and fragrant substances, some of them are boiled in water, some are steamed, some are fried in oil etc, vegetables like onions, brinjals, etc. are also used in some preparations.
· These are usually consumed as side–dishes or snacks in between meals.
· However in view of their difficult digestibility, some warnings have been enumerated above.
पिण्याको ग्लपनो रूक्षो विष्टम्भी दृष्टिदूषण:
Pinyaka produces
c) indigestion and
d) vitiates vision.
· Pinyaka is the residue of sesamum, groundnut and other oil seeds, after extracting the oil from it.
वेसवारो गुरु: स्निग्धो बलोपचयवर्धन:
मुद्गादिजास्तु गुरवो ब्यथाद्रव्यगुणानुगा:
· Vesavara is meat, cut into minute bits, added with spices like pepper, ginger etc, and roasted or fried.
· Vegetable vesavara is prepared with flour or pulses of various kinds, added with spices etc.
a)is hard to digest,
b) is unctuous,
c) increases strength
d) and builds the body.
· Vesavara prepared from green gram and others is hard to digest and
· possess properties similar to the material from which it is prepared.
· Eatables cooked by steaming, baked on hot mud or iron pan, in a vessel kept over a stove, inside a hearth and baked by placing on burning coal directly are easy to digest in the successive order of their enumeration.
· This means, eatables prepared directly over coal is easier to digest than eatables cooked by steaming.
इति कृतान्न /पक्वान्न वर्गः
Thus ends the groups of prepared foods.
हरिणैणकुरङ्गर्क्षगोकर्ण मृगमातृकाः
शशशम्बरचारुष्कशरभाध्या मृगाः स्मृताः
Mriga varga (deer etc) :-
a) Harina (antelope, fawn)
b) Kuranga (type of deer),
c) Arksa (white footed antelope)
d) Gokarna (Deer antelop),
e) Mrigamatrika (Red coloured hare like deer),
f) Shasha ( rabbit),
g) Shambara (deer with branched horns),
h) Charushka (gazelle)
i) sarabha (eight footed animal) Etc. are known as Mriga
· These are different kinds of deer, antelope and bucks.
· Some of them are having horns, some are hornless,
· all of them are herbivorous and
· live in dry regions especially shrubby forests
· In olden days they were being hunted mainly for food.
It deals with details of different food materials. The chapter covers corns, grains, legumes, pulses, prepared foods, non veg food, leafy vegetables, fruits, salts and medicinal herbs.
अथ शूकधान्य वर्गः
रक्तो महान् सकलमस्तूर्णकः शकुनाहृतः
सारामुखो दीर्घशुको रोध्रशूकः सुगन्धिकः
पुण्ड्रः पाण्डुः पुण्डरीकः प्रमोदो गौरसारिवौ
काञ्चनो महिषः शूको दूषकः कुसुमाण्डकः
लाङ्गला लोहवालाख्याः कर्दमाः शीतभीरुकाः
पतङ्गास्तपनीयाश्च ये चान्ये शालयः शुभाः
Types of rice –
1. Rakta (red),
2. mahan (big sized rice),
3. kalama,
4. turnaka,
5. shakunahruta,
6. saaramukha,
7. deerghashuka (having long sharp spike at the ends),
8. sugandhika (having good smell),
9. rodhrashuka,
10. pundra,
11. pandu,
12. pundarika,
13. Pramoda,
14. Gaura (white rice),
15. Sariva,
16. Kanchana (golden colored rice),
17. mahisha,
18. Shuka,
19. Dushaka,
20. Kusumandaka,
21. Langala
22. Lohavala,
23. Kardama,
24. Sheetabheeruka,
25. Patanga,
26. stapaneeya (bright red)
– these varieties of rice are good for consumption.
स्वादुपाकरसाः स्निग्धा वृष्या बद्धाल्पवर्चसः
कषायानुरसाः पथ्या लघवो मूत्रला हिमाः
1. Svadu rasa – sweet taste
2. Swadu paka – sweet taste conversion after digestion
3. Snigdha – unctuous
4. Vrushya – natural aphrodisiac
5. Baddhalpavarchasaha – causes mild constipation, causes lesser volume of faeces
6. Kashaya anurasa – mild astringent taste
7. Pathya – suitable for daily consumption
8. Laghu – light to digest
9. Mutrala – diuretic, increases urine volume
10. Hima – coolant
शूकजेषु वरस्तत्र रक्तस्तृष्णात्रिदोषहा
महास्तमनु कलमस्तं चाप्यनु ततः परे
a)Red variety of rice is the best quality (Raktashali).
· It relieves thirst
· and balances all the three Doshas.
b)Next best to it is Mahan (big sized rice) variety.
c) Next to it is Kalama variety. and the chronology continues, as in Verse 1 – 3.
यवका हायनाः पांसुबाष्पनैषधकादयः
स्वदूष्णा गुरवः स्निग्धाः पाके अमलाः श्लेष्मपित्तलाः
सृष्टमूत्रपुरीषाश्च पूर्वं पूर्वं च निन्दिताः
· Yavaka,
· Haayana,
· Paamshu,
· Vashpa,
· Naishadha varieties of rice
a)Svadu – sweet,
b)Ushna – hot in potency,
c) Guru – hard to digest,
d) Shleshmapittala – increases Kapha and Pitta
e) Snigdha (unctuous, oily)
f) Amlapaka – undergoes sour taste conversion after digestion
g) Srushtamutrapureesha – increases bulk and volume of faeces and urine
· They are bad in their reverse order.
स्निग्धो ग्राहि लघुः स्वादुस्त्रिदोषघ्नः स्थिरो हिमः
षष्टिको व्रीहिषु श्रेष्ठो गौरश्चासितगौरतः
Shashtika shali – the paddy which matures in 60 days
· is best among all paddy.
It is
a)Snigdha - unctuous, oily
b)Grahi – absorbent, useful in mal-absorption syndrome and diarrhea
c)Laghu (light to digest)
d)Svadu – sweet
e)Tridoshaghna – balances all the three Doshas
f)Sthira – brings in stability
g)Hima –coolant
It is of two types –
1. Gaura – white and
2. Asita-gaura (blackish white).
ततः क्रमान्महाव्रीहिकृष्णव्रीहिजतूमुखाः
गन्धनाः कुरुविन्दाश्च गुणैरल्पान्तराः स्मृताः
· Next inferior to shashtika is mahavrihi,
· next to that is krishnavrihi and
· the others such as jatu mukha, kukkutandaka, lavaka, paravataka, sukara, varaka, uddalaka, ujvala, cina, sarada, dardura, gandhana and kuruvinda.
स्वादुरम्लविपाको अन्यो व्रीहिः पित्तकरो गुरुः
बहुमूत्रपुरीषोष्मा, त्रिदोषस्त्वेव पाटलः
The other types of rice are –
a)sweet in taste,
b) sour at the end of digestion,
c) increases Pitta and are hard to digest.
d) It increases volume of urine and faeces,
e) increases body heat and
f) causes imbalance of Tridosha.
कङ्गुकोद्रवनीवारश्यामाकादि हिमं लघु
तृणधान्यं पवनकृल्लेखनं कफपित्तहृत्
Kangu, Kodrava, Neevara, Shyamaka and other grains
· cold in potency,
· easily digestible,
· increases Vata,
· Lekhana (scraping, scarificient) and
· balance Kapha and Pitta.
भग्नसन्धानकृत्तत्र प्रियङ्गुर्बृंहणी गुरुः
कोरदूषः परं ग्राही स्पर्शे शीतो विषापहः
Of them,
· helps in fracture healing,
· nutritive,
· nourishing and
· is hard to digest.
Koradusha is
· grahi (absorbent),
· coolant and
· anti-poisonous.
रूक्षः शीतो गुरुः स्वादुः सरो विट्वातकृत् यवः
वृष्यः स्थैर्यकरो मूत्रमेदः पित्तकफान् जयेत्
Yava (Barley) is
1. Rooksha (dry)
2. Sheeta – cold
3. Guru (Heavy to digest)
4. Svadu – Madhura (sweet)
5. Sara – promotes bowel movements
6. Vit-vata krut – it increases the bulk of faeces and causes flatus
7. Vrushya – natural aphrodisiac
8. Stairyakrut – increases body stability
Useful in
· Mutrameda – urinary disorder
· Pitta – Kapha imbalance disorders
· Peenasa – running nose, rhinitis
· Shwasa – Asthma, COPD, wheezing, breathing difficulty
· Kasa – cough, cold
· Urusthamba – thigh stiffness
· Kantaroga – diseases of throat
· Twakroga – skin diseases
न्यूनो यवादनुयवः रूक्षोष्णो वंशजो यवः
· Anuyava ( a small sized barley) is inferior in qualities to that of Yava.
· Venuyava (seeds of bamboo) is non- unctuous and hot in potency.
वृष्यः शीतो गुरुः स्निग्धो जीवनो वातपित्तहा
सन्धानकारी मधुरो गोधूमः स्थैर्यकृत् सरः
पथ्या नन्दीमुखी शीता कषायमधुरा लघुः
Wheat is
1. Vrushya – natural aphrodisiac
2.Sheeta – cold
3.Guru (Heavy to digest)
4.Snigdha – unctuous, oily
5.Jivaniya – enlivening
6.Vatapittaha – balances Vata and Pitta
7.Sandhanakari – heals fractures and wounds
8. Madhura (sweet)
9.Sthairyakrut – increases body stability
10.Sara – promotes bowel movements
11.Pathya – can be had on daily basis
· Nandimukhi variety of wheat is good for health.
It is
a)Sheeta – cold
b)Kashaya (astringent)
c)Madhura (sweet)
d)And Laghu (light to digest)
इति शूकधान्यवर्गः
अथ शिम्बीधान्यवर्गः
मुद्गाढकी मसूरादि शिम्बीधान्यं विबन्धकृत्
कषायं स्वादु सङ्ग्राही कटुपाकं हिमं लघु
मेदः श्लेष्मास्रपित्तेषु हितं लेपोपसेकयोः
Mudga (green gram) , adhaki (toor dal), masura(lentil) and other varieties belong to the group called shimbidhanya (those having pods/legumes).
1. Vibandhakrut – They cause constipation,
2. Kashaya, Swadu – astringent sweet in taste,
3. Grahi – absorbent,
4. Katu vipaka – pungent after digestion,
5. Sheeta – cold in potency,
6. Laghu – easily digestible,
7. mitigate fat, kapha, asra (blood) and pitta,
8.suited for use as external application and bathing the body parts etc.
वरो अत्र मुद्गो अल्पचलः, कलायस्त्वतिवातलः
राजमाषो अनिलकरो रूक्षो बहुशकृद्गुरुः
Among them, mudga (green gram) is best,
· it causes mild increase of chala (vata):
kalaya (round pea)
· causes vata and dryness,
· produces more faeces and
· is hard to digest
Rajamasha (big sized black gram)
· increases Vata,
· it is dry,
· heavy to digest and
· increases bulk of faeces.
उष्णाः कुलत्थाः पाके अम्लाः शुक्राश्मश्वासपीनसान्
कासार्शः कफवातांश्च घ्नन्ति पित्तस्रदाः परम्
Kulttha (horse gram) is
1. Ushna – hot in potency,
2. Amlapaka – sour at the end of digestion,
3. cleanses semen,
4. useful in
a)urinary stones,
b)Shwasa – Asthma, COPD, wheezing, breathing difficulty
c) Peenasa – running nose, rhinitis
d) Kasa – cough, cold
e) Kapha – Vata diseases
· But it increases bleeding disorders and is not recommended in such conditions, like menorrhagia.
निष्पावो वातपित्तास्र स्तन्यमूत्रकरो गुरुः
सरो विदाही दृक्शुक्रकफशोषविषापहः
· aggravates vata, pitta, bleeding disorders,
· it increases breast milk production
· and promotes urine formation.
· It is
a)Guru (Heavy to digest)
b)Sara – promotes bowel movements
c) Vidahi – increases burning sensation
d) It is not good for eyes and semen quality.
e) It decreases Kapha,
f) inflammation and
g) is useful in poisoning.
माषः स्निग्धो बलश्लेश्म मलपित्तकरः सरः
गुरुष्णो अनिलहा स्वादुः शुक्रवृद्धि विरेककृत्
Black gram is
1. Snigdha – unctuous,
2. Balya – increases strength,
3. increases kapha and Pitta
4. Malakara – increases bulk of faeces,
5. Sara – laxative,
6. Guru – not easily digestible,
7. Ushna – hot in potency,
8. Vatahara – mitigate Vata,
9. Madhura – sweet in taste,
10. shukra vruddhikara, Virekakrut – increases semen and promotes ejaculation strength.
फलानि माषवद्विध्यात्काकाण्डोलात्मगुप्तयोः
· Fruits of kakandola and atmagupta (Mucuna pruriens) are similar to black gram in qualities.
उष्णस्त्वच्यो हिमः स्पर्श केश्यो बल्यस्तिलो गुरुः
अल्पमूत्रः कटुः पाके मेधा अग्निकफपित्तकृत्
Tila (sesamum) is
1. Ushna – hot in potency ,
2. Tvachya – good for the skin,
3. Sheetasparsha – cold on touch,
4. Keshya – good for hairs,
5. Balya – strengthening,
6. Guru – hard to digest,
7. Alpamutra – produces little quantity of urine,
8. Katu paka – pungent at the end of digestion
9. Medhakrut – increases intelligence,
10. Agnikrut – increases digestive function,
11. and increases kapha and pitta.
स्निग्धोमा स्वादुतिक्तोष्णा कफपित्तकरी गुरुः
दृक्शुक्रहृत्कटुः पाके, तद्वत् बीजं कुसुमभजम्
a)Snigdha unctuous,
b)Madhura Tikta – sweet – bitter in taste,
c) Ushna – hot in potency,
d) increases kapha and pitta,
e) hard to digest,
f) not good for vision and semen,
g) pungent at the end of digestion.
· Similar are the seeds of kusumbha.
माषो अत्र सर्वेष्ववरो, यवकः शूकजेषु च
· Masa (black gram) in the group of simbija (legumes) and
· yavaka (small barley) in the group of sukaja (cereals) are inferior.
नवं धान्यमभिष्यन्दि, लघु संवत्सरोषितम्
शीघ्रजन्म तथा सूप्यं निस्तुषं युक्तिर्भजितम्
· Fresh grains (just harvested) are abhisyandi (causes excess exudation from tissue pores and block them by it),
· Those old by one year are easily digestible.
· Those which grow quickly, those which are removed of their husk, those that are properly fried are also easy to digest.
इति शिम्बीधान्यवर्गः
Thus ends the group of shimbi dhanyas.(legumes).
अथ कृतान्न / पक्वान्न वर्गः
मण्डपेयाविलेपीनां ओदानस्य च लाघवम्
यथापूर्वं शिवस्तत्र मण्डो वातानुलोमनः
तृड्ग्लानिदोषशेषघ्नः पाचनो धातुसाम्यकृत्
स्रोतोमार्दवकृत्स्वेदी सन्धुक्षयति चानलम्
· Manda, peya, vilepi and odana are preparations of rice or other grains cooked in water.
1. Manda - The thin fluid resembling water, drained out immediately after boiling is known as manda;
2. Peya – slightly thicker to manda but still only liquid is peya;
3. Vilepi – the next stage with more of solid grain and less of fluid is called vilepi and
4. Odana – the last stage which is solid without fluid portion is known as odana.
· Manda, peya, vilepi and odana are more easily digestible in their preceding order of enumeration.
· Manda – easiest to digest. Odana – is comparatively harder to digest.
Manda – (thin fluid drained out)
1. Manda is the best.
2. It causes easy movement of faeces and flatus,
3. relieves thirst and exhaustion,
4. It nullifies residual doshas.
5. Hence it is used as diet after Panchakarma, wherein all the Doshas are eliminated.
6. Manda helps digestion,
7. restores the normalcy of the tissues,
8. causes softness of the channels,
9. perspiration
10. and kindles the digestive activity
मलानुलोमनी पथ्या पेया दीपनपाचनी
Peya (more liquid, less solid)
a) relieves hunger,
b) thirst,
c) exhaustion,
d) debility,
e) diseases of the abdomen and fevers,
f) it causes easy elimination of faeces,
g) good for all,
h) kindles appetite
i) and helps digestion.
Vilepi (less liquid more solid)
विलेपी ग्राहिणी हृद्या तृष्णाघ्नी दीपनी हिता
1. withholds discharge of fluids from the body,
2. good for the heart,
3. relieves thirst,
4. kindles appetite,
5. ideal for all,
6. especially for those suffering from ulcers, eye diseases,
7. those who have been administered Panchakarma purification therapies,
8. who are weak and
9. who have been given fats for drinking as part of Snehana therapy (before Panchakarma).
सुधौतः प्रसृतः स्विन्नो अत्यक्तोष्मा चौदनो लघुः
यश्चाग्नेयौषधक्वाथसाधितो भृष्टतण्डुलः
विपरीतो गुरुः क्षीरमांसाध्यैर्यश्च साधितः
Odana (solid)
· prepared with grains which have been washed well,
· in which the entire water has evaporated
· and which is devoid of hot fumes is easy to digest;
· likewise that prepared along with addition of decoction of medicinal substances of hot potency or that prepared with fried grains are also easily digestible;
· the opposite of these that prepared with addition of milk, muttom etc,. are hard to digest.
इति द्रव्यक्रियायोगमानाद्यैः सर्वमादिशेत्
In this manner, the effects of the grain, kind of processing, admixtures, quantity and other aspects should all be determined.
बृंहणः प्रीणनो वृष्यश्चक्षुष्यो व्रणहो रसः
· Brihmana – nourishing
· Preenana – gives satisfaction,
· Vrushya – aphrodisiac,
· Chakshushya – good for the eye (vision) and
· Vranaha – heals ulcers and wounds.
मौद्गस्तु पथ्यः संशुद्धव्रणकण्ठाक्षिरोगिणाम्
· is good for health,
· for those who have undergone Panchakarma purification threrapies and
· for those suffering from ulcers, diseases of the throat and eyes.
वातानुलोमी कौलत्थो गुल्मतूनीप्रतूनिजित्
· Vatanulomi – initiates normal movement of Vata
Useful in
· Gulma (abdominal tumor),
· tuni and
· pratituni (pains of the groin region)
तिलपिण्याकविकृतिः शुष्कशाकं विरूढकम्
शाण्डाकोवटकं दृग्घ्नं दोषलं ग्लपनं गुरु
1. Eatables prepared from Tila (sesamum),
2. Pinyaka (residue of sesamum after the oil is taken out),
3. dried leafy vegetables,
4. germinated grains,
5. shandaki vataka (balls of fried rice dried in sun and then fried in oil)
· are not good for eyes,
· increase the doshas,
· cause debility and
· are hard to digest.
Hence, Ayurveda does not recommend germinated grains.
रसाला बृंहणी वृष्या स्निग्धा बल्या रुचिप्रदा
· Rasala – curds churned and added with pepper powder and sugar
· -it causes body weight increase,
· it is aphrodisiac,
· unctuous,
· improves strength and
· improves taste.
भ्रमक्षुत् तृट् क्लमहरं पानकं प्रीणनं गुरु
विष्टम्भि मूत्रलं हृद्यं यथाद्रव्यगुणं च तत्
1. Relieves exhaustion,
2. hunger,
3. thirst and
4. fatigue,
5. gives satisfaction.
6. It is generally hard to digest,
7. stays long in the stomach,
8. is diuretic and
9. good to the heart.
10. Its properties depends on material from which it is prepared.
लाजास्तृट्छर्द्यतीसारमेहमेद: कफच्छिद: कासपित्तोपशमना दीपना लघवो हिमा:
· Laja is prepared by frying paddy.
· Relieves thirst,
· vomiting,
· diarrhea,
· diabetes,
· obesity,
· mitigates kapha, cough and pitta,
· increases appetite,
· easy to digest and
· cold in potency.
पृथुका गुरवो बल्या: कफ विष्टम्भकारिण:
Prithuka (parboiled and flaked paddy)
· is hard to digest,
· strengthening
· increases kapha and
· causes constipation.
· Prithuka is prepared by boiling paddy for short while and pounding it with pestle and mortar.
धाना विष्टम्भिनी रूक्षा तर्पणी लेखनी गुरु:
· Dhana (fried barely and other grains) stays long in the stomach causing indigestion,
· is dry, satisfying, scarifying, and hard to digest.
· Dhana is made by frying barely which is soaked in water and
· saktu is flour either raw or fried.
सक्तवो लघवः क्षुत्तृट्श्रमनेत्रामयव्रणान्
घ्नन्ति सन्तर्पणाः पानत्सद्य एव बलप्रदाः
नोदकान्तरितान्न द्विर्न निशायां न केवलान्
न भुक्त्वा न द्विजैश्छित्वा सक्तूनद्यान्न वा बहून्
· Corn flour is easy to digest, relieves hunger, thirst, fatigue , eye diseases and wounds
· is nutritious and
· taken as a drink gives strength immediately.
· Corn flour should not be eaten without drinking water in between,
· should not be consumed twice in a day
· Should not be had at night
· Should not be taken solely, without other kinds of foods.
· Should not be had after meals
· It should not be hard to chew and it should not had in excess quantity.
· Many tasty eatables are prepared from the flour of rice and other cereals, horse gram, bengal gram and other legumes, with addition of spices, sour and fragrant substances, some of them are boiled in water, some are steamed, some are fried in oil etc, vegetables like onions, brinjals, etc. are also used in some preparations.
· These are usually consumed as side–dishes or snacks in between meals.
· However in view of their difficult digestibility, some warnings have been enumerated above.
पिण्याको ग्लपनो रूक्षो विष्टम्भी दृष्टिदूषण:
Pinyaka produces
c) indigestion and
d) vitiates vision.
· Pinyaka is the residue of sesamum, groundnut and other oil seeds, after extracting the oil from it.
वेसवारो गुरु: स्निग्धो बलोपचयवर्धन:
मुद्गादिजास्तु गुरवो ब्यथाद्रव्यगुणानुगा:
· Vesavara is meat, cut into minute bits, added with spices like pepper, ginger etc, and roasted or fried.
· Vegetable vesavara is prepared with flour or pulses of various kinds, added with spices etc.
a)is hard to digest,
b) is unctuous,
c) increases strength
d) and builds the body.
· Vesavara prepared from green gram and others is hard to digest and
· possess properties similar to the material from which it is prepared.
· Eatables cooked by steaming, baked on hot mud or iron pan, in a vessel kept over a stove, inside a hearth and baked by placing on burning coal directly are easy to digest in the successive order of their enumeration.
· This means, eatables prepared directly over coal is easier to digest than eatables cooked by steaming.
इति कृतान्न /पक्वान्न वर्गः
Thus ends the groups of prepared foods.
हरिणैणकुरङ्गर्क्षगोकर्ण मृगमातृकाः
शशशम्बरचारुष्कशरभाध्या मृगाः स्मृताः
Mriga varga (deer etc) :-
a) Harina (antelope, fawn)
b) Kuranga (type of deer),
c) Arksa (white footed antelope)
d) Gokarna (Deer antelop),
e) Mrigamatrika (Red coloured hare like deer),
f) Shasha ( rabbit),
g) Shambara (deer with branched horns),
h) Charushka (gazelle)
i) sarabha (eight footed animal) Etc. are known as Mriga
· These are different kinds of deer, antelope and bucks.
· Some of them are having horns, some are hornless,
· all of them are herbivorous and
· live in dry regions especially shrubby forests
· In olden days they were being hunted mainly for food.
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